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Objects at Rest

Posted on Sun Apr 9th, 2023 @ 6:50pm by Commander Peter Horn & Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant Commander Tiandith 'Tia' Tobru & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Lieutenant JG Sher'ra Verona & Lieutenant Commander Junjie Han & Lieutenant Rohan Read & Lieutenant JG Alena Alessa & Glin Slorir Varin & Lieutenant JG G'Rani

2,148 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Station Ops


"Captain!" Peter flagged the commanding officer for attention as his hands flew across his console. "six spacecraft inbound at high velocity. At least two readings are consistent with Romulan, one Starfleet signature from three targets."

"Get me a visual!" Tamaska ordered, looking in the direction of the viewscreen. Her eyes trying to peer into the darkness of space towards where the Cerberus would be. "Also ready the weapons in case we need to repel those ships."

Peter magnified the sensor image as much as possible. "They'll be in visual range shortly. Recommend preparing shields and upper pylon disruptors. Just in case."

Junjie began working the science console. " Transferring power to the sensor array to up the telemetry, You should be able to get at least a good look at what we're going to be expecting when our guest arrive and what type of welcome they might be receiving. You should be able to get a look at the Romulan vessels now. "

G'Rani was seated at the operations console looking down on the ops table where Captain holt was sitting. She knew Chief Stoun would be on his way given she had just activated red alert across the station. Ops darkened slightly and the usually pulsing white lights running either side of the command centre had shifted to a crimson red with a pulsing downward motion, the metallic sounding klaxon sounding.
"All decks at conditions red, civilian population is being moved to the safety shelters. Diverting all power to the phaser banks, deploying the photon turrents. Shields powering up!"

Rohan sat at the Tactical station, readying the station for a possible combat situation. He began coordinating security personnel to guard the stations main assets including the power core and computer core, as well as placing security teams on each level and section. "Security teams are moving into positions and coordinating civilian evacuation to safety shelters." He reported.

"Good thank you." When the visual was enhanced Tamaska watched intently, she saw that the Cerberus had split into three, and it was incredible to be watching. "Looks like the main warbird is getting out of range, the other two ships how are they faring against the Cerberus?"

Alena looked from one person to the next. "Where can I be of use?", she asked when there was a break in the conversation. She didn't like idling around, especially when so much was going on.

Read couldn't help but smirk, "They're taking a beating but they're also inflicting damage to Cerberus." Rohan reported reading the information off of his console screen.

"Captain, the Cerberus appears to have separated... She's coming in hot!" G'Rani announced as her hands flew over her displays and readouts. "She's dropped out of warp one million kilometres distant. Hailing frequencies open!"

"Commander Carter, I see you've picked up some company. What is your status, we've got weapons at the ready to fend off your pursuers." Tamaska stated.

Carter appeared on the viewer. "Carter here. We picked up some uninvited guests while investigating a distress call from the Solvang. I'm afraid she was destroyed. I'll give you my full report after we've dealt with the Romulans here. I intend to take up a defensive position off the docking ring."

Junjie looked to Tamaska. " Captain shall I have the Copernicus standing by the launch in case the Cerberus needs assistance or unexpected company appears? We can be ready to go in five minutes if need be. "

Tamaska looked at what was happening then turned to Junjie "Commander get to it. In her mind she felt it would be a good idea to have another ship out there to help protect the station. She watched as her husband headed off operations to get his ship out there.

Seeing Alena, Peter beckoned her over. "How is your knowledge of the Romulan language? Are you prepared to try and reason with them, should it come to that?"

"I know a bit about their language. As for their culture. They have quite the honor code. Hopefully that will be useful. As long as we don't lie and don't try to deceive them, we should be fine", Alena said as she recalled what she knew about the Romulans. "I believe the main thing when interacting with them is honesty and respect when talking with them", she went on. Realizing Commander Horn's question, she said "I'll do what I can". Hopefully I won't get us all killed, she thought to herself.

The turbolift stopped and Keiben, still in his gym gear, stepped forward, weaving his way around the science station and down towards the command table.

"Report Captain!"

"We've got three Romulan vessels after the Cerberus, one is hanging back." Tamaska reported.

Jaas'rah's Freighter

"Commander... Trouble!" L'johK called down to the communal area from the cockpit of the aged freighter.

Tia coughed a little and noted a little red hue to the back of her hand. Rubbing it on her clothing she looked at the scanners as they approached the station. Her skin had a light misting of sweat as she felt a little hot under the collar, naturally she assumed it was the environmental systems on this rather aged freighter.

"Can we signal the station?" Tia asked.

"There seems to be a general dampening field across the region. I can only assume the Romulans are blocking communications frequencies". L'johK turned to looks at Tia. "Hang back or make a run for the station?"

"Hang back for the moment. We don't have the firepower, nor the shielding, to survive a hit from a Romulan warbird... or any crossfire." Tia replied to L'johK.

At that point, Lyras walked onto the bridge. He was barefoot, wearing only the scrubs pants and he was carrying a box containing what could be perceived as test tubes. His knife was tucked in the waistband of his pants as he'd nowhere else to put it. He too looked worse for wear as he approached his colleagues. "I salvaged as much as I could," he told Tia, "do you think it may be enough?"

"Will have to do." Tia remarked as she looked over at Lyras' state of undress. Truth be told if they didn't have enough from his clothing then there was not much they could do. "What did your scans of yourself reveal?" she asked.

"Infection with something," the hybrid Vulcan answered in lowered voice, "but what I cannot be certain until we get back to our ship. For now I feel fine, though I feel...warmer. I am certain my injuries are infected and I have cracked and bruised ribs but again how bad it is, I cannot tell. I can manage, for now. How about you? You were covered as well."

"I do feel a bit off." Tia admitted. "Like my body is telling me something isn't right. If that makes sense." She omitted the blood speckled cough at the moment. There was no need to alarm anyone whilst they had a situation brewing outside. "We may need to quarantine ourselves..." she let that hang in the air. "If we are infected with something then we cannot risk taking it onto the station."

"May is an understatement, I think we actually are required to. And we should as soon as we can preferably starting now." Lyras eyes the Orion who was sat a short distance away. "What about him? We cannot just let him leave."

"Well, we are in a self contained freighter so..." Tia sighed. "consider us quarantined, Jaas'rah too." she looked over at him. "Is there anyone else on this ship?" she asked.

Nervously the toned Orion looked towards the small gathering of Starfleet Officers now on his ship. "Of course not... Why would I have others on the ship?"

Deep Space 21 - Ops

Tamaska watched while they unfolded. The Copernicus had launched and was there ready for action should it come.

"I don't think that they are here for negotiations right now." Tamaska commented.

"Copernicus has cleared the pylon and is taking up a defensive position." Read reported from the tactical station.

"Thank you Mister Read." Tamaska giving a glance towards him, and giving a nod of approval.

Romulan Warbirds

Senclar his ship still lagging behind, was still being persistent. The other two warbirds were after the Cerberus. Word came from the other two ships, they were desirous to attack. He gave permission. The two warbirds dove in like the raptors they were named after, heading towards the station and any other ship that was out in the vicinity. A third one decloaked, and joined in the attack.


Junjie beamed onto the bridge of the Copernicus directly from the station. He sat in the command chair and was a little nervous, He never thought that his first command would be in battle to defend the station. But they had worked to hard to build up this station to allow some renegade romulans come and destroy it. There were friends and loved ones there that needed this ships help and he was going to give it to them.

Junjie watched the viewer as the ship slip away from it's berthing. " RED ALERT!!" He called out. " Shields to full, load all photon tubes and arm all phasers. Target their weapons and engines and let's see if we can take the fight out of them. Increase to full impulse and engage the enemy. "

" Aye Sir!! " came the response from both helm and tactical, As the ship moved into position and began getting a lock on it's first target.

CDS Thrarim

"Sensors indicate incoming starships, Slorir," Mijal Josett announced from her workstation at the front of the Bridge of the Thrarim.

Glinn Slorir Varin looked at the tactical analysis that displayed on the forward monitor. Multiple Romulan vessels were inbound, apparently chasing a Federation Starship on approach to Deep Space 21. The Station was preparing its defensive systems now, readying itself for combat if needed. The Cardassian Commander rose from the Chair and walked toward the forward workstations nearest the viewer.

"Do we assist?" Jal Gholin asked from his position at the weapons console. "Those are overwhelming numbers, even for the Federation Station."

"It's a Cardassian design. It can handle itself," Varin said proudly.

The Weapons Officer countered, "That's not at question, Sir, but what are your orders?"

"Mijal, notify the Station we are available to assist should they need it. Until they ask for help, I'm content to remain docked and offer an Embassy for any Cardassians caught in the crossfire." Varin directed.

The Technician nodded, "Yes Sir."

Station Operations

G'Rani was poised ready for the incoming assault which seemed to be coming a lot slower than she had thought.
"Glin Varin has extended an offer of assistance Captain. Romulans ships are just moving to within weapons range. Sensor are showing the Romulans weapons systems are charged and primed!"

Tamaska looked out towards where the Copernicus was at, then to the other ships, "Accept the Glin's offer, and also take down the other ship that is coming in." she ordered, as the Ships make their move.

"Get a reading on that fourth one, which is hanging back." Tamaska called out.

"Acknowledged Captain!" she called down issuing out the orders.


Tactical called out. " Commander, There is a forth Romulan Warbird decloaking and diving towards the Cerberus! "

" Understood " Responded Junjie. Target the forth warbird and fire two photon torpedo's and rapid fire burst at their engines and fire at will Lieutenant.

" Yes Sir! " Came the response from Tactical.

Junjie pressed the comm button on the command chair. " Aft Torpedo room, Load a class nine warp probe into the launcher and download the ships logs and situation report into it. Target destination will be Starbase 308 and have it go directly into warp as soon as it clears the launch tube. Launch it as soon as you get it programmed. "

" Aye Sir! " Came the reply form the aft Torpedo room.

Junjie watched as the two photon torpedo's slammed into the warbirds aft shields and then take several phaser hits to the same area. " Well we've tapped them on the shoulder to say hello and they know we're here. Let's see how they respond. " He thought a moment. " Helm! Stand by for evasive pattern Gamma four on my command.

" Yes Sir. " came the expected response, As she input the commander's orders into the helm.

Station Operations

"Brace for impact" G'Rani called from the ops console "Plasma torpedo's inbound!"

Tamska looked towards the screen as it lit up brightly...

::Romulan Warbird Shr'vista::

Senclar had his ship move away, the Federation had defended itself better than what he had thought. Tomorrow was another day an old Earth saying he had heard. And it held true. Next time, he will be even more ready.




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