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Continuing The Tradition

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2023 @ 9:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Tiandith 'Tia' Tobru & Lieutenant JG Sher'ra Verona

1,386 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Chief Security Office

Walking into the security office, Sher'ra paused for a moment to look around the room. Although her time in this position was short, she didn't think she'd be shifting to another one so soon, but it was for the best of the station and the Cerberus as her skills were better utilized onboard a starship than on a starbase.

After taking her moment, Sher'ra started to look around for Tia.

Tia had her back to the door, she hadn't heard it open, and was looking through reports coming in from all over the station. It was a big job with hundreds of people on board. Truth be told she was relishing the challenge of getting her head back into the 'Starfleet' way and a real bed won over a damp infested hobble any day.

It wasn't long before she did hear the doors close and the small shuffle of feet approach. Turning her eyes set on an Orion, but not Niska, her heart fluttered and sank all in one motion. "Lieutenant Verona, how can I help you?" she asked.

“Just popping in to say hi and see how you’re going” Sher’ra replied, standing on the other side of the desk that was hers for a short time. “Looks like you’re taking to the job quite well.”

"I am doing quite well, thank you." Tia responded pleasantly. "The job itself can be a handful, lots of moving parts to try and such, but yes, I have acclimated fairly quickly back into the Starfleet way of life... for the most part. How are you adjusting to the Cerberus?" she asked trying to be socially unawkward. It had been a while since she'd had to hold down a 'normal' conversation. A conversation that didn't involve The Dominion, Changelings, enemy movements and the welfare of their resistance cell.

“The Cerberus is a fine ship, I’m looking forward to giving that Multi-Vector Assault Mode a try. It sounds like fun” Sher’ra replied as she reached into her pocket, “it may surprise you, but it wasn’t that long ago that Commander Holt was where you are now. Chief of security” she said as she pulled her hand back out of her pocket, “when she handed the reigns over to me, she gave me this golden star badge and told me it was a tradition in security” she said before placing the badge down on the table, “well it’s yours now. You’re the new Sheriff in town”

"It has been some time since I have seen that myself. You'll need to take her for a spin by the station and let me see." Tia joked a little. She did not expect Sher'ra to do that.

"Sheriff?" Tia asked somewhat confused. "Ah, an old Earth lawperson." she nodded as a vague memory of having read something passed through her mind. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I hope to follow a good line of law keepers on the station. Keep the tradition going." she accepted the star and looked it over.

“I’m sure you will, and when you feel like you can’t handle it any further, you’ll have your assistant chief here to give you a hug and a boot in the arse” Sher’ra said as she gave her a wide smile, “so whenever the ship is docked, I’ll be at your service.”

"I will be sure to call on you if I need help." Tia said with a confidence she always displayed in company. There was the fact that she had many decades of experience in the field, but still she did not like to mention it. People didn't need to know. "Having someone to bounce security scenarios off of can be quite useful."

"True enough. Well hopefully the Marines won't give you any trouble.

Tia arched an eyebrow. "Why would the marines give me any trouble? On the station I am in charge." she said almost defiantly.

“True but you know how head strong those Jarheads are. You have to show them strength. Strength they’ll respect. It’s a little primitive but it works” Sher’ra explained, “but strength doesn’t just mean physical, Strength of will is just as important if not impressive.”

Tia nodded. Marines could be impressively stubborn and hard headed, but it was nothing she hadn't experienced before with them. She had worked with them for decades before the fall. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I am sure I'll handle them just fine. I have put many a 2nd Lieutenant to General in their place. Firm hand with confident words and a will to stand your ground... but also the wisdom to see and accept their input and help when needed." she sighed. "They were the first to throw themselves at the Dominion in my universe and we shouldn't have been so quick to let them have their way... they would have been been a great asset to have in the later days."

“That’s true. If we’d implemented the program long ago maybe many of the other conflicts would’ve ended differently.”

"Yes, well let us hope there are no future conflicts any time soon that we need them for. I'd quite like just a little while of peace and quiet after the last 25 years or so." Tia said as she nodded in agreement with herself. "I had forgotten what it was like to just stop..."

Sher’ra smiled, “that’s something we all struggle with from time to time. Just make sure you don’t end up burning yourself out. Take a break every so often, that’s what an assistant chief is for”

Tia laughed softly. "I think I'd need to reignite a fire to burn out, sweetheart, but thank you. It is nice to know I have a second in command who looks out for me... as I have a tendency to not take good care of myself."

Sher’ra cocked an eyebrow, “oh if only I wasn’t already involved, I would love to help you relax and reset. Unfortunately all I can offer is a shoulder to cry on and a bottle of blood wine to help you forget for a night”

"Bloodwine I can get behind." Tia admitted. "Until recently I hadn't seen a bottle in over a decade. If fact, I haven't really seen a Klingon for a while. Not since they stopped fighting the Gorn..." she shrugged. "Different universe anyway now I suppose."

Giving Tia a slight look of confusion, Sher’ra reached up and rubbed her forehead, “did I forget to wear my ridges today? I mean I know I had them on this morning when I woke up” she said sarcastically in reference to her statement of not seeing a Klingon for a while.

"I meant besides you." Tia commented. "They do blend nicely with your green skin though." she added as more of an admittance than observation.

Sher’ra smiled, “yea, who knew Klingons and Orions could get along so well.”

"You are definitely the first hybrid I have seen between the two species." Tia admitted. "It's nice to see such species getting along so well."

“That would depend on your definition of ‘getting along’. My parents had a little more freedom when it came to their choice in relationships. From what I hear the Orions are having a bit of a rough time with the Klingon Empire lately.”

"Yes." Tia sighed. "Reports coming in do not paint for an easy relationship but the Klingons are not exactly known for tolerance and love for other species... your case obviously being an exception." she smiled.

Sher’ra smirked, “I wouldn’t discount the Klingon’s ability to love. We can be quite, forceful”

"Yes." Tia chuckled. "I have experienced that for myself." he mind cast back to previous encounters with the Klingon people. "Anyway..." she shook her head free of those thoughts. "Is there anything else you need from me Lt.?"

After a moment, Sher’ra shook her head, “no that’s it. She’s all yours. Now don’t get into too much trouble”

"I'll be as good as she treats me." Tia said with a smile as she watched Sher'ra leave. Sitting back down she began to pour over the days work once more.



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