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The Path Taken

Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 9:06pm by Connor Horn & Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds

888 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion


"Come on. No time like the present. You're more miserable than ever at School right now," Charlie informed the Vulcanoid as they walked back from class. "He's over there."

"Oh yes he is," Minka smirked appearing at their side. "Drinking coffee and making notes on a PADD. Seriously he's sexy doing that. I've been cleaning and repowering half the stuff on the prom today ... dam voles still managing to chew through stuff ..... his wife joined him for lunch .... Damn woman ..... Imagine what's he like doing other things. And there's two of them. Hes a twin you know .....

But" she caught herself after both Charlie and her made a mooning face .... .... ermm yes not for you to think of Connor. But you do need to talk to someone."

Both females yanked an arm and literally frogmarched him over to the man sipping coffee. "Commander Reynolds. I hope we are not interrupting but this young man is a little lost soul in need of some serious help."

Liam looked up and sighed inwardly catching the crush from both females. He knew the kid from having caught up with the senior staff bios. He clearly needed rescuing from the girls anyway in Liams opinion. "Commander Horn's son right. How you doing Connor? Thank you, ladies, I think I can take it from here."

Both girls seemed to have a fit of giggles before looking embarrassed and disappearing quickly leaving the Vulcanoid stood alone in front of Commander Reynolds table.

A look of relief flooded the boy's face as the two females departed. Since being dragged here he hadn't been able to follow what they'd been jabbering on about despite the weird feelings he often sensed from his parents, floating about them. "I'm fine sir," he lied, knowing perfectly well the Betazoid would be able to tell such. "Apparently in need of talking to someone, according to them, but really I'm fine."

"In my experience young Connor, anyone who feels the need to reiterate they are fine twice in their first words to me usually are not as fine as they want to believe they are but I'm not going to push. Why don't you join me for a drink through. I am glad you stopped by. I have something to talk to you about, that you might be interested in," Liam said.

"What kind of drink?" If anything, he guessed 'drink' usually meant something minors weren't supposed to consume. "And what do you need to talk about? Has dad been moaning about something again? Or worse...Ilyas?"

"A drink. Like coffee or hot chocolate or tea, maybe a milkshake or something ...." Liam said firmly. "If you're wanting something stronger the less I know the better and perhaps you will have more success back with those two there. And I'm looking for people to help set up the colony. What do you think? Spend some time on the planet. Get away from all the stuff they are pushing you to offload. Give you some time to do something just you."

"Oh I'd love to.... I'm always in someone's shadow or the other." For the first time in quite some time, the young man smiled, a spark of hope in his eyes. "And I think tea will do sir, I'm too young for anything stronger. What do you need help with? I don't really have any...talents... that I'm aware of. And uhm... I don't want to watch little ones; I've done enough of that having Ilyas in tow."

"Your going to be one of the very few minors down there believe me and I would not expect you to come babysit," Liam said. "I know the captain already has a yeoman, but I could use an assistant. There's lots to do setting up down there. Building the community, and lots more to explore too.

We can get you some life experience to help you when you decide where you're heading in life, some excitement and certainly some time away being in someone's shadow. You have a good head on your shoulders. Your teachers spoken to me about how well you're doing in school, we may even be able to wangle it as extra credit and some science/culture learning. What do you think?"

"Extra credit? Would that help me get into the academy when I'm old enough?" Connor seemed genuinely surprised at the offer and already there was a spark of hope in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than get away from the station right now. Anywhere, but here. "School is boring," he finally admitted, "I'd rather do something useful and learn while I'm doing it. There's nothing wrong with that, is it?"

"School is different as there's few kids onboard. So you want to go to the academy?" Liam asked. "What speciality are you thinking?"

"I don't know...but I could find out doing different things right? See what I like to do best?" Connor looked hopeful.

"Certainly. That can be arranged. Give you some time in security, science, maybe even do some flights in shuttles. When we get some other folks come join the colony, management and diplomacy. I hope it can be an all rounder for you," Liam said honestly.

"Thank you," the teenager beamed happily, "hopefully I find my path..."


Commander Liam Reynolds

Connor Horn


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