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Deputy Security Officer Arriving

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 1:25pm by Lieutenant Rohan Read

455 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Transport/Deep Space 21
Timeline: Current

Rohan sat looking out of the transport window, rubbing his neck feeling very weary. It had been a very long trip from Earth. Three transport and two shuttle trips later and he was finally on the home stretch.

Given his past in Intelligence, most would think he was used to travelling rough in all his years undercover, but this was probably the worst trip he had endured in his career. It wasn’t even a nice assignment he was heading too. A dead end station, for a dead end job. If people knew his resume then he could easily be a Commander or even a Captain by now. Instead, he was approaching a former Cardassian monstrosity of which he was the new Deputy Chief of Security.

He saw it come into view and couldn’t help but let out an audible groan. Rohan had considered resigning his commission but then what would he do? He didn’t want to be part of Starfleet but he didn’t want to wander the galaxy like a galactic bum. However, trying the Galaxy menu of whiskey could be a lore but not now, his sense of duty prevented him.

"This is your Captain speaking, we're on final approach to Deep Space 21. Please collect your belongings and proceed to the docking port to disembark. I hope you had a pleasurable journey."

"Yeah right." Rohan replied under his breath before standing and stretching. He pick up the glass of whiskey, which sat in front of him, downing the last of its contents. He placed the glass down on the table and regarded it like poison. "Bloody synthahol." He commented before grabbing his duffle bag and chuckling it over his shoulder.

Read was one of the first to arrive at the docking port. He noticed lots of families with young children and knew that was no small task organising the next generation but was pleased he wouldn't need to fight his way through crowds of slow moving people.

The transport jerked as it attached to the docking port. Moments later a green light appeared above the docking hatch before the doors slowly slid open. Rohan didn't give them a chance to open fully before he was through them and walking down the small umbilical tunnel connecting the station to the transport. The doors opened at the end and he followed the signs which eventually lead him to the stations Promenade.

Once amongst the hussle bussle of the promenade, Rohan pulled out the small data pad from his pocket to find out where his quarters were situated. Once he knew he headed there to dump his bag and report in.

Deep Space 21, Lieutenant JG Rohan Read has arrived.


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