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Taking a first step of freedom

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2023 @ 8:35pm by Jaas'rah & Lieutenant JG Sher'ra Verona

911 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Docking Ring - Level 7, Section 5
Timeline: Mission Day 10 @ 1135 Hours


Jaas'rah was lugging around the crates, shifting them from the Cargohold on his small cargo shuttle, the antigrav units not working due to the Cardassian built station. It was hard work but it did mean he had his own freedom, something that still seemed alien to him even now.

The metallic hiss of the cargobay doors in the background snapped him back to now. He placed the crate down and moved to the small console where he had a PADD interfaced with the stations main computer downloading the data he had been contracted to deliver as part of his first cargo run.
"I had a feeling you would be here?"

Walking into the Cargo Bay, Sher’ra gave Jaas’rah a smile, “of course I am. Why wouldn’t I want to see you off for your first solo run” she said, moving over to meet him, “can you tell me where you’re delivering to? Nowhere too danger I hope”

True, she could check his flight plan herself, but she wanted to show him that he could trust her as more of a partner.

"Ceti Alpha colony, Ba'ku, Starbase three zero eight and a couple of other stops. Picking up some produce and I have a few passengers to collect and drop along the way... Nothing exciting"
He stopped what he was doing and moved to pull her into an embrace pulling her close so he could kiss her more passionately than he had initially thought he would. "Love you!"

Returning his kiss, Sher’ra’s smile only widened, “well that doesn’t sound too bad for your first solo run. Are you sure you’ll be ok taking on passengers? I could come with you on this one if you want. For moral support” she said before giving the end of his nose a tap with her finger. If she was being honest, she was worried about him going off on his own, but it wasn’t like he was completely inexperienced with these kinds of things.

"No" his response very quick and a little harder than she would have expected. He immediately softened it with a smile. "I need to do this on my own!" he said considerably softer than before. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was snapping at you!"

Taken a little aback by his initial tone of voice, Sher’ra pulled away from him just enough so she could grab his hand, “are you sure? I don’t think the Captain would mind just this once and I’ll keep out of your way the whole time. It’s not that I don’t trust you, rather I just want to make sure you’re safe”

"Let me have my freedom... I've been a slave for longer than I can remember and I need to do this on my own!"
His tone almost pleading but still gentle and warm.

Taking in a deep breath, Sher’ra gave him a nod, “alright, I get it. Just try not to get into too much trouble out there. I didn’t get this bite mark from you just for kicks” she said holding up her hand with a semicircle scar on the back of it.

"Well... it works for the Klingons!" he teased. "You got time to help me load this cargo?"

Sher’ra gave a quick nod, “sure, where do you want me to start? Maybe I can take a look at your manifest?”

He pointed at a stack of crates, all biological produce. "To the left in the main hold. Only person on the manifest is me".
He picked up a sizeable crate, making his exposed arms tense emphasising his lean and toned arms.

Pausing for a moment to admire the musculature, Sher’ra turned and picked up one of the crates, “why don’t you use the Transporters to move these onto your shuttle? It would be easier then lugging each crate individually”

"And where is the fun in that. A little physical work didn't hurt anyone!"
He himself admiring her body for a moment. He still found it odd why Starfleet insisted on covering every inch of their bodies with clothing. Even more unusual that Sher'ra, an Orion female, would also follow suit. The Orions were and are likely one of the least inhibited species in the galaxy next to the Deltans so for Sher'ra to cover almost completely he had found difficult to handle to start with. Now though he had started to adapt and appreciate the form fitting uniform she wore.

“True enough” Sher’ra replied as she put a crate into place on the shuttle before returning for another, taking off her uniform jacket as she did. Tying her jacket around her waist, she moved to pick up a couple of the smaller crates, “just think, someday you may even have a crew of your own to do these things for you. That is if you want to go for a larger ship”

"Who knows!"
The pair took their time for the next half an hour to load the cargo hold and Jaas'rah found he was thankful she had not asked many more questions about his deliveries and cargo he had yet to take on. Thankfully his filed flight plan was genuine as he had a feeling she would be checking on that. He loved her but he needed to do this for reasons his own.



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