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Crew Rotation

Posted on Mon Apr 26th, 2021 @ 9:22am by Lieutenant JG T'Sehn & Lieutenant JG Osil Haistro

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Deck 2 - Transporter Room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 @ 0813 Hours


The Vulcan stepped up onto the transporter platform with the other crew being offloaded to Copernicus, not many in truth but for such a small vessel it would be a massive boon to the headcount on board. T'Sehn was bound for the Medical Department to assume the role of Chief Nurse while the rugged gentleman standing next to him was clad in gold and carried himself like someone who was ready to fly into combat at the flick of a finger. The other two stood on the platform looked to be non-commissioned personnel to support in the sciences.

Osil was ready to go, almost eager to get started. There was a bit of a smug smile on his face as he regarded the others around him.

The transporter beam took hold, washing them all in a white light and patters that played across the back of the eyes before being replaced by a transporter room of similar design, so similar that the only way they knew that the USS Amicitia had sent them was due to the fact the Commander stood in front of them now was a Female Human and not the Bajoran Male that had been the first officer of the Akira Class Vessel.

Tam looked at the new arrivals, and was expecting a few more, for now though she'll welcome those that have arrived. "Welcome aboard the USS Copernicus." giving a smile of welcome. "It looks like its the day of new arrivals."

"Dif-tor heh smusma" T'Sehn offered in his native tongue while displaying the customary Vulcan greeting with his fingers but remaining very stiff and reserved.

"Oh lighten up man," Osil beamed, poking the Vulcan nurse in the sight, "don't be such a stiff." He grinned at the female officer. "Lieutenant jay gee Osil Haistro ma'am, at your service."

Tam's smile broadened when she heard the last name of Haistro. "Nice to meet you. Hmmnn brother of the Captain?" acting as if she didn't know, with a slight blank in her eyes then she laughed. "Of course, things should be rather interesting now.

Looking at T'Sehn, she returned the greeting, "Live long and prosper" with the Vulcan Salute.

She looked behind at the two others, both female, one was in ops color and the other in science.

"And you are?"

A woman about 5'7" dark hair in a braid stepped up, "I am PO1st Class Anja Agapov, Science officer."

"And I am PO1st Class Shailyn Lothian, Operations, the slightly taller woman said with short black hair. Her voice rather quiet.

"Well if this is all of you if you'd follow me?" Tam said, getting ready to leave the transporter room.

"Um its not all of us, my siblings will be here shortly."

Tam looked at the petty officer, "Agapov, your siblings?" pulling out her padd. "oh yes they are listed."

The forms of two people appeared on the transporter pad vacated by the others, a boy and girl materialized, the boy slightly taller than his older sister, and definitely taller than his younger sister.

"Are there anymore arriving?" Tam enquired, checking the list "Okay doesn't look like it. If you will follow me. We'll head to the messhall so we can all converse, and you can maybe grab something to drink?"

Osil gave her a goofy grin. "Well someone needs to look after my brother, and make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble. Our little sister is very mad at him for it, and she made me promise to make sure it doesn't happen again." He rolled his eyes at the woman. "Sisters... right?"

T'Sehn clasped his hands behind his back and proceeded to follow, not really finding an in on the conversation, or a better question was did he want in on the conversation. He had already been insulted by the Captain's brother, all be it in a playful and very emotional manner. It was also very challenging to get a word in given how easily the conversation flowed between Commander Holt and the man called Osil. Instead he remained silent and observed the interaction with a keen interest.

Tam looked at Osil, he most certainly reflected how Keiben used to be like before the ship got attacked. "you maybe just what the doctor ordered." deadpan. "I do know about sisters and brothers" giving a small smile.

"I know about sisters, they can be pains." Damyon spoke up, looking at the tall woman, the XO. "I bet you are a big pain to your siblings, always bossing them around."

"Damyan!" Anja gasped out, mortified that her brother was speaking like that to the XO. "I told you, you needed to behave." clearly thinking that they were going to be tossed off the ship already.

Luiza decided to step behind the Vulcan male and the rather quiet ops officer. She didn't want any part of this at all.

Tam didn't say a word for the moment, as she continued on the way down the corridor, then she did a swift about face to where she was right in front of the mouthy boy. She had that look that brokered no argument. "You will cease and desist in baiting me or your sisters. You won't like the results at all, if you continue." giving a rather pointed look.

Damyan who was ready to make another statement decided not to. The XO looked rather serious.

They made it to the mess hall.

"Welcome to the Messhall." Tam remarked.

"Commander, if I may" T'Sehn interjected, his voice balanced and measured. "I have no requirement for refreshment at this time. I would request I be permitted to report for duty in sickbay!"
He had never understood this Human need for social activity, finding it a complete waste of time in most regards but he had over time come to accept it within his peers sociocultural needs and as such had stopped comment on it to his colleagues instead favouring a curious fascination with Human culture... all be it from a discreet distance.

Tam looked at T'Sehn and gave him a nod. "Aye, that will be alright." she stated. "We can talk later."

"Good day Commander!" and with that T'Sehn turned and started to make his way through the small vessel and its not so labyrinth like maze of corridors.

She looked at the others. "Any others wish to proceed to where they will find their quarters or report into their different stations?" Tam was thinking that it would be best if she tackled talking to the newly arrivals on a one on one basis. Especially the science officer with her two siblings, the boy seemed like he was going to be a handful.

Anja looked at her siblings, her little sister trying to duck behind Lothian, since Luiza's Vulcan shield just left. "Maybe we can get to our quarters, and get settled in, if you don't mind Commander?"

Tam looked at Agapov, then to Haistro and Lothian . "I can show you where you will be quartered as well"

Lothian nodded, still not saying much at this time, only looking back at the girl hiding behind her.

"Ah I think I'll have my big brother have that privilege," Osil smiled, "I'm going to pay him a visit first if you don't mind?"

"I don't mind if you do." Tamaska giving Osil a nod and a smile. She then looked at the rest, "Well lets go then" And the small group that was left followed after the XO. Damyan being reluctant about it but he came nonetheless.



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