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Just A Little Help

Posted on Mon Apr 26th, 2021 @ 9:27am by Commodore Keiben Haistro

860 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Deck 1 - Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 @ 08:13 Hours


He was waiting patiently for the Federation Logo to vanish from his screen to be replaced with the image of one of his counter parts within the region. He had never had dealings with Jonathon Reynolds but he had heard about him. He had recently gone up against a planet killer weapon that seemed reminiscent of the one James T. Kirk found himself up against over a century previous. But right now his call was for a very different reason. Copernicus was limping back to Starbase Three Zero Eight due to the fact its main deflector was out of commission and the secondary deflector had been damaged and was only operating at about sixty percent of capacity... this in turn meant maximum warp was out of the question... Warp one should have been out of the question but thankfully Chief Stoun didn't mind bending the odd rule here or there.

His reason for speaking to his counter part on the Andromeda was simple, to secure a few extra engineers for a few hours to help them get either primary or secondary deflector operational so they could reach Starbase timely.

Finally the logo vanished to be replaced with an almost jovial looking individual with the tell tale black eyes of a Betazoid. 'Funny, he doesn't have a traditionally Betazoid name!' he thought to himself.

"Good morning Captain Reynolds... I'll get right to the point... We need your help!"

“I prefer people get to the point Captain Haistro,” the other man said. “What can the Andromeda do for you?”

"Rendezvous with us and lend us that miracle worker you have for a Chief Engineer and a few of his team... Our primary Deflector was totalled when we collided chin first with a mountain and the secondary deflector was damaged in the same nose dive".

Direct and to the point, he appreciated this mans approach and reflected the same directness.

Jon nodded. He had already concluded they were the closest starship to the Copernicus so it was a no brainer that he would take them to help. “Transmit your damage reports, I will get Hawkins up to speed ready to lend a hand when we reach you but Captain, what happened that you got in a tussle with a mountain?” He asked curiously.

"Ancient T'Kon technology, biological weapons and millions of them and they all seem to be created by the same species that created that black oil being that Captain Picard encounters about twenty years back on Vegra Two... We lost a crewman and two others severely injured. Engines failed as we started to lift off and we may have clipped the mountain trying to correct the flight path... It was a miracle we survived but because of the damage we can make no batter than warp one".

Was that an over simplification... perhaps, but it got across the broad strokes in a concise manner.

“And some people claim archaeology and dead civilisations are boring. Sounds like you have quite the report to write up,” Jon quipped. “We found planetkillers and you biological weapons. Are you nervous like me that the beta quadrant isn’t exactly the friendliest place?”

"I read the report about the planet killer situation... Funny thing is that we may have uncovered some data from the planet surface that may shed some light on where the planet killer came from. We still have a lot of work to do on the data to fully understand it but it seems to point in the direction that it was built around the time the T'Kon Empire, the Iconians and the like were around."

"I would be very interested in the data and compiling it with ours on what we managed to get on the planet killer," Jon said simply. "If they were built around the same time theres certainly a chance travelling further in the direction we are going might find more things connected. Anyway we can discuss this further when we get to you. Is there anything further we can help you with?"

"I'll have my science officer send you a copy and I can't think of anything at the moment, thank you Captain". Keiben nodded at his counterpart from the Andromeda, fully appreciating and taking an instant liking to him. It was also nice knowing that he had support out there not to far away.
"We will set a course and make best speed... See you in a few hours."

"Certainly and we can discuss things further. You will have to come to dinner with me and my family," Jon said. It was the polite thing to offer. Plus it would be interesting to find out more about the man if they were one of the few captains out this way. Likely they would need each others help again.

"That would be lovely, thank you Captain."
Keiben closed the channel feeling somewhat better about himself and his situation knowing that they had a veritiable flying starbase in the vacinity should they need the help. His next task was one he should attend to just as promptly and check in with his friend Peter.



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