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Fleeing Truth

Posted on Sat Nov 18th, 2023 @ 3:29pm by Commodore Keiben Haistro & Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant JG Osil Haistro

347 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 7: Non Seipsum
Location: Ward Room


Keiben watched as the others departed the ward room, only Carter remained. He watched each one depart until finally the doors closed with the customary metallic hiss and click. He tapped his com-badge.
"Keiben to Osil, join us in the ward room!" needing his brother and kin. With the departure of the other three major command players it left only the two of them and Osil to forward the plans. They needed greater numbers but at the same time, they could not have the truth of what was happening outed before they got a chance to begin.

"I turned my hosts brother to our cause several days ago... We may need him!"

Within minutes, the younger Heistro walked in. "Brother," he spoke though his tone held a different note. It wasn't the prior brotherly warmth of the host, but seemed more a note of sarcasm. "Is there a problem?"

"Young Charlie D'BrooNi was host to one of us and now it appears she has fled the station without so much as a by your leave. I fear she may be free of our control and a threat to our plans". his worst nightmares starting to blossom if this was the case.

"Ah..the wannabe adult child," Osil answered, "do you need me to chase her down and bring her back?"

Carter was less concerned. "She is but a child. She is of no concern and she knows nothing of our plans. And if she does tell anyone, we can dismiss it as the overactive imagination of a child."

"I'd still prefer to have her back in our control," Osil remarked, "child or no child. She's a minor and shouldn't be taking out shuttles anyway. We can say she's unruly and stole it."

"The Doctor is departing with the Asclepios later today. Take Cerberus after them... Hunt them down and kill them. Both of them!"
It was a simple order, a dark tone in his voice and all Keiben could do was hammer against his own conscious mind, screaming in anguish, trapped within his own body.



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