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Routine Check In

Posted on Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 10:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Lieutenant JG Abrasax

1,340 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Point Of Enlightenment
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: ???


Abrasax sat on the biobed after being escorted here by a nice officer. He observed the medical staff go about their business as there were a few patients and he awaited his turn.

His duffle bag by the biobed's side as he came here directly from the transport as is regulation when being transferred between assignments. Though he could have gone to his quarters and dropped off his bag before reporting in for this check up, but he was here now so waited.

"Lieutenant Abrasax?" Mel said appearing from her office. When she had heard the new assistant chief of science had come in she was curious. She knew Junje through Tam after all.

"I'm Commander D'BrooNi-Haistro. Welcome to Styx Station. How was your trip?" she asked indicating he follow her to one of the biobeds.

"Hello Commander, yes I am Lieutenant jaygee Abrasax, thank you. It was quite the pleasant trip indeed. I haven't been to the Briar Patch before, this is very interesting." The Denobulan/Antaran hybrid smiled widely. "Is there current events I should know about ma'am?"

"Just the usual. Trying to keep the peace between the Federation and the civilians. Someone or some parties out to get us for setting up shop here," Mel said. "Oh and a few officers are starting to act weird if you ask me," she said scanning him.

"Would you like a drink? Your a little dehydrated," Mel asked.

“I am? Sure, some water would be refreshing.” Abrasax replied, officers acting weird, he wondered about the degree of weirdness to warrant concern. “After I report to my superior, I could look into some internal scans for you if you like Doctor?” He asked with a happy-to smile.

"Internal scans of what?" Melanie asked fetching his water. "Me? All you will find is my growing son and my symbiont."

"Internal scans of the station to find out why people are acting weird." He said then smiled. "Congratulations doctor."

"Tell me Lieutenant. If someone wanted to infiltrate the station what's the best way of doing it would you say?" the more she thought about things the more she was beginning to convince herself Keiben wasn't himself. Certainly not the man she had married. In her mind, getting to the senior staff would ensure control.

That certainly took Abrasax off guard. He frowned, "doctor," he said and had an eyebrow raised. "I don't think there is a best way, I'm a scientist not an intelligence operative though I'd imagine many ways are possible. Would this person be flagged as unwelcome to board the station?"

"Which person?" Mel asked. "Look you are new here. I suspect something is not quite right presently. I do not feel I can take it to the command team. As they are acting odd. Keep your eyes open," Mel said.

If something really was a foot she needed help. She could not investigate this alone.

“The person who’d infiltrate, why would they need to unless they weren’t welcome right?” Abrasax replied confused. He grew concerned at the Doctor’s paranoia, he should run those scans sooner rather then later.

"I don't know who it could be or what is going on. Lieutenant I'm only saying something is not right. And I cannot keep an eye on this situation solo. You are new here. I don't think anyone would suspect you or see you as a threat. As your Second Officer I'm asking for your help to investigate this. All I need you to do presently is keep an eye on your new boss. I suspect something is happening to the key command staff. If Junje is acting out of the ordinary then my hypothesis is sadly correct," Mel said. "My husband the Commodore is certainly not his usual self."

Abrasax frowned. "Like you said I'm new, so I'm not sure what ordinary is for my superior. I haven't even met him yet I came here directly after arriving." He offered a smile. "I will help Doctor, though I may need a little time to orient myself with the station and its systems first."

He added a moment later. "What you could do is, if you'd indulge me, could you tell me when you started to notice these changes and had the senior staff been on any away missions prior to it all?"

“It’s recent. My loving husband is suddenly cold, angry and disappearing away to his office more than he ever has. His mothers refused a medical. He’s late on his. His brother In security is suddenly more distant.

One of the ops staff said Tam went in and privacy screens went up, then she came out looking dazed. Tam doesn’t do dazed.

Away missions, there was just the recent one by the Cerberus. I don’t know the particulars,” she told him.

~he will think it’s just paranoia and a domestic~ Leiko stated.

~this was a bad idea.~

"Clearly something is going on, though once we figure out what that is..." His voice kind of trailed off. Abrasax smiled. "I'll conduct that scan when we are done here, discreetly."

"Very discreetly," Mel nodded. "Now back to you. Tell me how your overall health has been in the last few years?"

"It has been rather good most of my life," Abrasax said, "what does my medical file say?" He asked with a chuckle.

"For the most part you look to be healthy as a horse as the humans say. Except a slight low grade flu bug. I would like to give you a shot to eradicate that," Mel said.

Abrasax chuckled. "Thank you," he said.

"No problem," Mel said preparing a hypo spray and pressing it to his neck. "Where do you hail from Lieutenant? Is it your first time living on a space station?" she asked. It was an adjustment to a lot of people in her experience.

"Yes ma'am, I've been on a few starships. I was actually born on a Starfleet ship, I forget it's name right now, when they found our colony and woke up the residents from stasis." Abrasax explained.

"Why were you in stasis?" Mel asked.

"I wasn't but my parents were as they are refugees from a forgotten war between the Denobulans and Antarans that ended back in the mid-19th century, according to Earth calendar. After they found a world to settle, soon our colony fell into disrepair and so they chose to go into the Stasis pods which were sturdy maintained devices." Abrasax explained as he wondered what it must have been like back then. "The Federation found our colony, domed by the way and barely holding together, as they were running from the Dominion. They helped us, I was born along with a few others since quite a few pregnant mothers went into stasis many hours away from going into labour."

He smiled as he was grateful to Starfleet for finding his colony.

"That is incredible," Mel said. "How did your people acclimatise to the time now. I imagine everything was very different coming out of stasis?"

He nodded. "I imagine so as well. The colony has been, or is in the process of being, updated and I believe they are going for Federation membership or have already been contacted by both the Antarans and Denobulans to offer assistance in that process. Though I think we'd probably want our own equal status as a full member." Abrasax grinned knowing what his parents would say.

"Nothing wrong with that. It was one of the best decisions Trill ever made becoming a member," Mel commented. "I could put you in touch with someone there is you do have any questions but it sounds as though your already in good hands.

Right keep an eye on that flu bug. If it gets worse come back. I will sign you off now though," she said inputting things into her PADD.

"Thank you Doctor, I will." Abrasax smiled.


Dr Mel D'BrooNi-Haistro

Lieutenant Abrasax
Science Chief


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