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Through Time And Space, Goliath is Confronted

Posted on Wed Mar 9th, 2022 @ 9:05am by Commodore Keiben Haistro & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Lieutenant JG Alena Alessa & Commander Peter Horn & Lieutenant Commander Junjie Han & Glin Slorir Varin

1,194 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: Multiple Locations
Timeline: Timeline: Mission Day -584,948 @ 1500 Hours


USS Cerberus

There was a flash and a hole appeared in the man in front of them on the view screen. He slumped and some purply looking liquid started flowing from his wound.

"He's no one yet an over stepper. Get him off my bridge. Him and that ridiculous interface. Get them both off my bridge," the spotted female demanded.

"Now you Commander Lillian Carter of the USS Cerberus. You are in T'Kon space. The last time I passed through here there was no station and there has never been a United Federation of Planets. So you better give me a good reason not to shoot you out of existence. Are you trying to declare war on the T'Kon empire?"

Deep Space 21 - Operations

"Alena, link in with the Cerberus communication to this warship, make it fast!" the crimson lights still washing the people in ops, gathered around the Ops table were Keiben, Tam, Mel, Alena and now Slorir, Junjie was still at the science station to the Captains right and to the left were Stoun, Mirae and this newcomer who he needed to question as soon as time, and the situation allowed.

Alena let her fingers fly over the screen in front of her. She frowned. There was a kind of a roadblock in the communication line. "There's someone trying to interfere with the communication to USS Cerberus. I am almost around the roadblock", she said as she continued to type. There. "Got it!", she said and pressed a button. The communication to USS Cerberus flared to life.

Alena sat back for a moment, relieved. What unnerved her though, was that the language of the roadblock had seemed, well... familiar. She was near-certain she had to seem some of the letters from the roadblock in one of Mrs. Anderson's books.

She suppressed the unease. There was a greater threat right now. She just hoped they wouldn't have to have a memorial feast that night for the crew of Cerberus.

"Commander Carter, please forgive the intrusion. I am Captain Keiben Haistro of the United Federation of Planets, we mean you no harm, we have limited combat capabilities and have just had something of a rough arrival... here!" he said not mentioning the time travel aspects. "We have sustained damage and a number of injuries, we require assistance!"

"Where have you arrived from?" demanded the female voice.

"What did your sensors tell you?" he countered, not wanting to give too much away with the butterfly effect in the forefront of his mind. One little ripple could have immense implications for the timeline.

Junjie spoke only loud enough to where he thought that only a few of the Ops crew and the Captain could hear him, Or so he hoped. "Captain, Their sensors are most likely far better than ours. I'm sure they know how badly we're damaged and have many injured, But what they can't tell is how many civilians and non-combatants we have on board. I just hope the rumors of how much they love Arts, Science and Knowledge is true." He stated quickly as not to disrupt the flow of the conversation.

Tamaska took a look at the ship that they were facing and quickly sent a message to Peter.

"Commander Horn, please get to operations on the double, we've got a situation and are needing you here. We are having a first contact situation."

=^= On my way =^= came the quick response.

It didn't take long for the chief counselor/diplomatic officer to arrive at the station's busy command center. He stepped down into the main OPS area and came to a halt beside the executive officer. "What are we facing?" he asked quietly, while looking at the main screen.

"A T'Kon dreadnought Commander," Mel informed him. "And if im not too rusty, she looked at Junjie and Alena, they just muted us," she pointed to the reading on their console.

The Cardassian national amongst them stared at the vessel on the viewscreen, astonished to see the ancient T'Kon vessel nearby. The T'Kon were long since dead, relics of a forgotten time before they rightful leaders of the galaxy emerged upon the scene. If they could somehow capture such a vessel it would be an incredible prize for the Union as they regrouped.

"Perhaps they are just not fans of Federation hospitality?" The Cardassian mused at the muting.

"Or perhaps they are conferring over something we are not to hear," Peter retorted, "how many times have Federation captains not muted their adversary either to try and make a point, or to discuss something?" He waved Alessa over. "Perhaps we should try and talk to them?" he suggested to the other diplomatic officer.

"I think it could be a good to try at least", Alena said after having thought it through. "We can't blame everything on them if we don't try ourselves". She knew they were in a pinch here, and that every action would give a reaction. She just prayed that this first contact wouldn't be their last.

T'Kon Dreadnought

Meanwhile, on the T'Kon vessel, the Fariq'awal made a gesture to cut the audio feeds. "Insolent vlákas. What do my instruments tell me. That I could annihilate you with one click of a cotyledon shot. However ..." she hated being proved right .... "What do our instruments tell us?"

"Basic shielding on the station and weapons hold no bearing on our own. That vessel has more teeth than the station but still would pose little to no risk to us!"

A seasoned officer called from the back of the command center.

"Fariq'awal!" Called out the T'kon Science Officer. "Scans show that the station is damaged and down seventeen percent of it's structural integrity with repairs underway. They are operating at around forty five to fifty percent of their usable power and have several thousand life forms of various species aboard. They could be considered somewhat advanced in technology, but their systems are still somewhat primitive compared to ours."

"Fascinating," she stated shortly watching the muted screen as a different alien appeared on it. One with pointed ears. How unique. In all her time she had only come across one race with pointed ears.

"They are persistent that much is clear. Very well," she indicated they unmute. "Lets see what this one tells us. The overlord will want a report. Better to get something than just blow them out of existence in the first instance."


Tamaska looked over towards Horn, "Hopefully you will be able to work things out where we don't get blown out of the water. I've got faith in you Peter."

Feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, Peter glanced around OPS. Everyone was looking at him for a solution it seemed, and it made him feel like a fish out of the water. Diplomacy was a very new playing field for him, even newer than counseling, and he had no experience whatsoever in this kind of conversaion. "I will try," was all he could promise, before looking back at the screen.



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