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Campout at Anja

Posted on Thu Mar 10th, 2022 @ 8:38am by Commander Peter Horn & Connor Horn & Ilyas Horn

4,482 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: Anja's Quarters
Timeline: just after station move

"Damyan, Luiza we're going to be having some guests here tonight." Anja called out to her siblings who were 14 years of age.

Luiza came out from her room and looked at her older sister. "Wait really? What gives?"

"Well Counselor Horn and his wife have some business to take care of and had asked if there was anyone who would be willing to help out. And well, I said I could do so. And the only reason why I said yes is that it is my day off and the kids will be staying overnight." Anja stated.

Damyan walked out of his room. "You want me to help babysit?" he grumped. "I am not going to be a baby sitter. I was going to be catching up with Teach and see if he'd let me help him on a project of two."

Luiza piped up, "I am willing to help out, but I know you want to get a look at Charlie D'BroonHi cause you are in love!"

Damyan glared at his sister "I am not in love with her!" he growled.

Anja just looked at her siblings and shook her head. "Okay that is enough I thought I heard the chime of the door. Quit arguing."

Outside, Peter stood waiting with his two sons. 12-year Old Connor looked a bit glum, but 9-year old Ilyas looked positively excited about having a sleepover somewhere. Of course, the sensitive youngest child was aware of something going on between his parents, and despite his age, he knew better than to ask.

"Now I want you both to behave," Peter expressed to his boys just as the door slid aside. "Good evening Miss Agapov," he greeted. "Thank you, for having them for tonight..."

'You are quite welcome, I didn't have any plans, anyway." on the floor of her quarters there was a large colorful area rug, which was soft and plush. "If you don't mind us camping out here." Anja said to the two boys. "This is Luiza." gesturing to her." and she is my sister, and this is Damyan my brother and Luiza's twin."

Luiza smiled and waved, while Damyan gave a grunt and leaned against the wall near his bedroom door.

Ilyas waved excitedly. "I'm Ilyas and I'm nine," he said with a huge smile, then thumbed his older brother. "This is Connor, he's twelve. We also have two sisters, but they're not here. Seleya's at the academy and Lilah is preparing to go."

Peter smiled as he heard his youngest chatter away. "Please do not hesitate to page us if something is amiss," he told Anja, "and thank you once again. I will pick them up tomorrow."

Anja gave a nod "I will call you if needed, but enjoy your night with your lady." she responded, then directed her attention to the two boys. "So what would you two like to eat?" deciding to start there and continue forward.

Damyan took a look towards the two boys and gave a slight sniff then turned to head back into his room. Luiza on the other hand was definitely paying attention to the two boys. "Both sisters at the academy? What subjects are they studying. I mean what positions are they wanting to serve in?"

"Lilah doesn't know yet," Ilyas chipped in before his brother could respond, "and I think Selly wants to be a science officer or a doctor, I'm not sure."

"She doesn't like being called that," Connor chided him, "her name is Seleya, though I wouldn't be surprised if she adds a T' prefix to her name soon. The way she's been looking at Doctor D'BrooNi's son...."

Ilyas looked at the other children. "What about you?" he asked, not quite realizing that Anja was an older sibling, instead of a parent or aunt.

"My brother, Damyan wants to be an engineer like Ensign Teach. I don't know what I want to do, maybe run my own shop?" said Luiza, answering Ilyas. "Sorry my twin brother, Damyan is being rude." she stated before continuing on, "And Anja, my older sister, she's a scientist. Damyan and I came to live with her until we're old enough to go out on our own. She's our only living relative that we know of at this time." Luiza getting a bit of a sad expression in her eyes. "We lost our parents and other relatives at the colony we had lived on."

The younger boy blinked. "She's your sister? Ohhhhh I thought she is your mom!" His face fell within seconds though. "Oh I'm so sorry..." Ilyas hurried to wrap his arms around the girl, giving her the tightest hug he could muster.

Connor coughed in disapproval, but otherwise said nothing while he watched his younger sibling make a spectacle of himself.

Ilyas turned his head towards Anja. "I'm sorry I thought you were their mom," he murmured.

Anja gave a slight laugh. "Its okay, at times I am sort of like that." she giving a slight sigh. "However, I'm thinking of making some tents out of some sheets and we can pretend to be camping out underneath the stars." she responded.

Luiza gave Ilyas another hug, then let him go, " I'll be okay, sort of." giving a wan smile. It then brightened up when she heard of Anja's plan. "That sounds fun, Sis."

"Oooh a tent!" Ilyas rubbed his hands together. "I like going camping! When I was really little, I remember daddy took us camping too."

"That was on a holodeck you nut," Connor groused, "we've never been camping for real."

The younger boy's face fell. "But we did go camping," he argued, "it doesn't matter where it was...we went camping. Right Anja? It doesn't matter where, does it?"

"No it doesn't matter where you are, whether it is on a holo deck, or out in the actual woods. It is still camping. Heck I call it camping out when only having sleeping bags and no furniture in a room." Anja replied.

Luiza went to go get the sheets while Anja started to move some of the furniture around.

Damyan had stepped out once more to watch what was going on. He looked over at Connor, the kid didn't seem to want to do this.

"Sheets and chairs, that's no tent," Connor muttered, "we should replicate real tents at the very least... and set them up in the gardens. This station does have a garden doesn't it?"

"Shut up!" Ilyas suddenly snapped in a shrill voice, "you're always ruining everything! You did in school too... always the perfect Vulcan, always grousing, always moaning.. why don't you just sit in a corner and just shut up if you don't want to play!"

Luiza spoke up, facing Connor. "The gardens are not ready to do any sort of camping there. And we've got a vole problem or haven't you noticed." her voice rather calm and quiet. "A Vulcan presents him or herself in a manner of calmness, even if they are young. Being... derogatory and speaking objections to the play of imagination. It isn't a good thing. And acting like that isn't nice either. And before you even say that doing imagination is illogical I will tell you it isn't. When someone is doing meditation they imagine being in a peaceful place."

Luiza then turned towards Damyan, "And you, I don't appreciate you not helping out here. It would do you some good to get off your high horse as well and quit acting like you know it all. Remember when we used to do this a lot? Anja never groused when we wanted her to play with us." her voice became colored with emotions, but kept herself from crying. "Just... just come play. It doesn't make you less of a man." her lower lip quivered slightly.

Anja was speechless at what Luiza said, and looked towards her brother.

Damyan was stunned. He could see that his sister was close to tears, then he nodded and moved forward to where the others were at. "C'mon." he said to Connor, "Lets help out." Damyan's tone slightly gruff. "I'd like to keep my sister happy." he didn't want to see his sister, Luiza cry. Not again.

Connor crossed his arms over his chest, casting the rest of them a look of defiance. Ilyas rubbed Luiza's arm. "Let's do it without them," he suggested, his eyes still blazing with anger towards his holder brother. "Connor's just being a git, as he always is. No wonder he doesn't have any friends. I wish my sisters here here, they sure would help us."

Anja had to put a stop to this. "Okay now, have you ever asked Connor why he acts like this?" asking Ilyas she then turned her gaze to the boy who was acting out.

"Why should I...he's just being stuck up and trying to be all Vulcan when he's really not. It's just stupid," Ilyas answered curtly as he helped Luiza get some of the sheets into position.

"Connor would you be willing to come and talk to me for a moment or two away from the others?"

The older Horn boy gave a short nod, his eyes never leaving his younger brother as if he were watching him like a hawk. "Sure, not that it's going to help," the young teenager answered, "it's just childish....I'm not a child."

"I never said you were, however, lets go have a talk." motioning Connor to follow her a little bit away from the others. "Okay now what is truly going on?" Anja's thoughts starting to piece together what could be a reason why the boy was acting this way. Had he had chance to talk out what happened when all of them arrived at the station?

"I don't want to be here," the boy confessed, now that he was away from the others. "We were perfectly happy on the Copernicus, and even before that on dad's other assignment. Why did he have to change jobs and learn something new? If we hadn't come here, he'd not have gotten hurt like that." he turned away as tears finally started to come. "He wouldn't have turned away from us, wouldn't have hurt Ilyas like he has... He told me to look after him, but that's his job, not mine... or that of my sisters, but not mine!"

Anja reached out a hand and placed it on Connor's shoulder. "Connor you are absolutely right, it isn't your job. And at times it is unfair. They perhaps had placed you in charge of Ilyas as you seem rather mature for you age, but, you've not been able to even enjoy having childlike moments. And before you protest. I am calling it Childlike and not childish. There is a difference. Childish is when someone decides that they want to have a tantrum and act like a two year old. Childlike is being like a child experiencing something wondrous like nature, that sort of thing." Anja moved her hand away. "Enjoying having a pretend moment as in camping, making tents out of sheets." nodding towards where the others were.

"I can tell it has bothered you about all the changes, and maybe you need to let your father, and especially your mother know how you are feeling. It would be a good thing to do." Anja giving a smile of encouragement to the young man.

"How... dad's not going to listen. He's only wallowing in his own pain lately." Connor shrugged as he looked over his shoulder and watched his younger sibling have a great time trying to build tents. "That's not going to work unless they secure the sheets," he commented, as if the whole affair really didn't matter to him.

Anja looked over to where the others were at, smiling as she saw her brother go over there to assist. "He may be more willing to listen now. And, I think they may need your help there as well. As it seems that the sheet are not cooperating." giving a light laugh at Damyan being buried by a sheet.

"I doubt that," Connor sniffed as he moved to lift the leg of a chair, and stuck the corner of the sheet underneath. "We need weights on the chair or it'll collapse again," he said, unconsciously showing that he had inherited his grandmother's knack for engineering.

Damyan called out, "I've got some books we can utilize. Plus got some connectors that could work for keeping the sheets more secure.

Luiza added "So do I!" as she scrambled to go get them.

Anja smiled, as she watched them work together.

"Ilyas, I've some books that can help out in keeping the sheets on as well." Luiza leading the way to her bedroom."

The younger boy squealed in delight, not even noticing his brother had actually come round to help. "yes yes books!" he called, almost in a singsong as he followed the girl.

Connor cracked the first smile of the evening, however minute it was. "If only we had a sand floor to stick pegs into," he chuckled, "but connectors might do the trick....assuming they won't ruin the carpet?"

Damyan looked at Connor, "Well if it does I can fix it later on. I've been helping Ensign Teach do some work on the station. He's part of the engineering team here." giving a grin. "So we'd be able to fix it if the carpeting gets torn. And it looks like you have some engineering skills too. Let's get this tacked down and make the best sheet tent." he handed the connectors to Connor, keeping some for himself.

"My grandma is an engineer," the boy said proudly, taking the connectors and placing them on the ground at a suitable distance away from the 'center' of their construction. "She's one of the best Starfleet ever had. I think she might be retired now though... I'm not sure I haven't seen her in a while. She's dad's mom..."

Damyan replied to Connor, "you know maybe you need to see about contacting her. She sounds like a great person to get to know." his voice having a bit of a wistful note. He brushed it to one side to continue on his own side of the tents to connect them to the floor.

Anja let her books be used for anchors as well, and smiled a she noticed what seemed to be bonding between Connor and her brother, it made her heart feel warm and fuzzy. It looked like this was going to be a success.

"Contacting who? My grandmother? I don't even know how, I don't know where she is." Connor shrugged, then tilted his head. There was something about the way the older boy had said it. "Don't you have grandparents?"

Damyan angrily scrubbed at his eyes with his sleeve to stop any tears from dripping down. "No." he mumbled, "They are dead, so is our mom and dad. All of my kin, well except for my two sisters." he swallowed hard. "It was terrifying."

"All of them?" He looked sideways towards Anja, then back at Damyan. Somehow, he couldn't quite comprehend that, though he did know what it was like to have missing family members. "My grandfather is probably dead," he added, "dad's dad, I mean... he's not been heard of since before Ilyas was born. I've never seen mom's parents."

Sensing something, Ilyas walked up, especially after hearing his name. He saw the tears in Damyan's eyes and glared at his brother. "What'd you do now," he growled, wrapping his arms around the older boy. "Don't cry....come help me and Luiza decorate... and we still need a bed in the tent."

"Ilyas he didn't do anything." Damyan replied, scrubbing his eyes with the back of his shirtsleeve. "Connor was just asking me something, and I answered." casting a glance at the older boy. "He's okay, and helping me out here." giving a nod and not moving from where he was at. "You've got Luiza on your team, Connor and me are being a team as well." giving a smile.

Connor didn't smile, though Ilyas smiled as if for the both of them. He punched Damyan's shoulder playfully, then skipped off. "Come on we got beds to make!"

While the siblings worked together, Anja made camping food and was happy that they were getting along together. And once everything was done, she walked over with a menu "Okay campers since i do not have any idea what everyone wants, I've got a menu you can choose something to eat and I also have another surprise for you, once we are done eating."

"Dinner!" the youngest of the lot squealed, "what are we having? Pancakes? Bread on a stick?"

"As long as it has no meat," Connor commented, "in which case I will eat anything."

"How does pancakes sound everyone?!" Anja was thinking that pancakes would be good, its been a long time since they've had them. Damyan and Luiza nodded, "yeah pancakes sound great to me." Damyan uttered.

Luiza looked over to Connor, "That work for you?"

The older Horn boy nodded quietly. "Yes that works, I do like pancakes.

Ilyas just beamed at them. "Can we have a sort of campfire to make them on?" he asked, though he had no real clue on how to effect that in Anja's quarters. He didn't want to cause any damage to anything.

Anja nodded and she left the room and returned shortly with an electric 'campfire' plus the equipment needed to cook on it. "Also one more thing." she walked over and picked up a holo projector and turned it on, and the room was now bathed in starlight, as the projector was aimed at the ceiling with a panorama of stars like being outdoors.

"There you go, to pretend we are outside watching those. You may even see a falling star." Anja added.

While Connor set to whisking up the batter, Ilyas leaned back to look at the stars. "Wow.... that's so amazing!" he breathed in awe.

Luiza nodded, "It is amazing." she looked towards her sister, "How long have you had this?"

Anja answered, "I've had it for awhile now, used to use it and pretend I was out camping with you and Damyan." looking at Luiza. "Okay looks like the pan is ready to make the pancakes, how is it going with the batter Connor?"

"Batter is ready," Connor announced, handing the bowl over to Anja. "I think you should do this.... I'm not sure how..."

"A good time as any, is what has been said. I'll teach you, okay? And I feel you will be able to do so well." giving an encouraging smile, as she ladled the batter into the pan. "And it also it depends on what size of pancake you want. The size of the pan itself or.. smaller." the batter hissing on the pan as it hit the hot metal.

"It's not a pancake unless it's pan size," Connor commented dryly.

"I agree!" Ilyas called up, "mom always makes them pan size, and even grandma says they gotta be pan size."

"Pan size it is then." Anja giving a laugh. "Okay here we go!" the science officer giving a grin, as the little bubbles formed and then the indications also showed of the pancake ready to be turned. "Here we go!" and it was turned quite deftly by Anja. She looked at Connor, "Care to try you hand at it once this one is done?"

The eleven year old gulped at that offer, but nodded slowly.

"You can do it Con!" his little brother encouraged him from a slight distance, "just remember how dad does it.... flip and catch?"

The older Horn boy nodded as he slid the readied pancake from the pan onto a plate, then ladled in some batter. After a few seconds, he fliped the half done pancake upwards, in the hope of catching it. Instead, it landed right on top of Damyan's head.

Anja gasped and held her breath as the batter from the half cooked pancake oozed down Damyan's face. Damyan just stood there for a moment or two in shock, he raised his hand up to the pancake, looked at Connor and then... laughed. It was a belly laugh, and he was laughing so hard that tears flowed down his cheeks.

"C-connor." Damyan gasped out, "In the pan, it belongs ... in the pan." he laughed. "I know I am a hot head but not hot enough to cook a pancake!" he took the pancake off his head. "I'll be back I'm going to get cleaned up." his eyes filled with mirth.

Luiza and Anja joined in the laughter, as their brother trotted off to his room to get cleaned up.

Connor looked horrified as they all burst into laughter. His eyes travelled to his little brother, who was doubled over with laughter too. He tossed the pan away and stalked off to the furniture tent that had been built, crawling inside. "See!" he yelled out, "I can't do this!"

Damyan popped his head out of his room. "Hey Connor, this is called good natured teasing. I think you need to lighten up. I was laughing instead of getting mad with a pancake dropping on my head. C'mon, I'm not mad at you its just funny. " he went back into his room and got cleaned up then came back outside. "Look Connor stupid things happen. You can either laugh it off or do what you are doing now. Yes it is embarrassing but hey best to look at it in a light of humor. And try again."

Anja went to get the frying pan and got the pancakes going again. She made some smaller pancakes for Luiza and the same for Damyan. "Besides its easier to flip pancakes when they are smaller. The larger ones tend to flop."

"Dad never misses the big ones," Connor moped from inside the tent.

Ilyas frowned and, sensing something, crawled inside the tent. "Con?" He queried, crawling up to his brother. "What's wrong? It's okay for things to go wrong. And they're not making fun of you. Damyan's right... He's not mad at you, it was an accident."

Connor waved him off. "Just leave me alone," he snapped, pushing the younger boy away.

The younger child sighed and emerged from the tent. "Just leave him.... We'll have fun without him."

Luiza looked at Ilyas, "I'll go talk to him." then crawled into the tent where Connor was in.

Anja looked at Ilyas. "What's your age, and do you want to help cook some pancakes as well?"

"I'm nine, and dad didn't really let me help yet." Ilyas stared at the pan. "I can try, but I'm not sure I'll be good at it."

Luiza went up to Connor, "Hi there. I want to say I am sorry I laughed, it was just funny seeing Damyan in his situation. That happened to him before. My dad... my dad accidentally did that to Damyan."

Connor just glared at her. "Then your dad was stupid and should've aimed better," he bit back, not in the mood at all to be consoled. He knew his words probably stung, but right now he didn't really seem to care. "Just... go away. Leave me alone."

Luiza looked at Connor. "You know something why didn't your dad aim better. I don't know what your problem is. I've got more to sulk about than you do. Whatever. I'm going to go eat and I'm going to go get some sleep. You should quit sulking like a baby, Connor. I am so done." Luiza crawled back out of the make shift tent. "Sheesh try to do something nice for your parents. I know you've got your own problems but just quit being such a miserable person." she looked back at him. "You know, before you say how. The best thing is to grab onto the happy things in life and hold on tight. You have a brother who loves you and your parents. Count yourself lucky!"

Anja looked over at Luiza but didn't say a word. She finished the pancakes, and set them out for whomever would like them. She shook her head also, a person just can't hang onto the miserable things otherwise they will turn into a bitter person and people will run away from them.

Ilyas leaned over and touched Luiza's arm. "Just don't mind him, he'll come around... sometime." He put one pancake on a plate, smeared some peanut butter on it and rolled it, before shoving the plate inside the tent. He figured if his brother wanted more, he'd have to come out and get it.

"He just needs to realize there is happiness even if things go wrong. And you two are lucky you have two parents who love you. Sure your dad may be having some trouble and that can be resolved, he is at least alive. I am sorry that I can't be too nice. I just don't understand why he wants to hold onto that pain. I know I don't want to. I really don't." she looking towards Anja, "At least we are not alone. We've got our sis."

Luiza walking over and giving her sister a warm embrace.

Ilyas gave the girls a sad look and he took a few quivering breaths. "You've no idea how many times I've nearly lost mine," he whispered. "And my dad never knew his dad... we think grandpa is dead but we're not sure... My dad is the youngest too..." He shook his head as if to clear it and forced a smile. "I bet your sister takes good care of you and uhm... maybe...." He hesitated, not even sure if he should even suggest it. "Maybe if you need anything...maybe you can ask my dad if he can help? Or my mom?"

Luiza looked back to Ilyas, "I think I can do that, and maybe Connor can do the same or talk to your mom. A lot of times, I went to my mother when I needed to talk. Maybe that is what is needed, some bonding time with your mom."

When the meal was done, and things cleared away, Anja looked at the ones camped out in the livingroom. "I think it is time to say goodnight, and tomorrow is another day. And hopefully it will be a good day."

"Goodnight," Ilyas answered dutifully, as he crawled into one of the make-shift tents.

"Night," Connor answered softly, from inside the same tent.

"Goodnight" Said Luiza, and also Damyan.

Another look at the starry sky, Anja turned out the lights except for the projector for the starry night, and made her way into her room. "Goodnight my dears, good night."



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