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New face on board

Posted on Fri Mar 18th, 2022 @ 1:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Alena Alessa

2,191 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: Docking Ring
Timeline: Mission Day 14, @1200 hours


Alena looked around at her superior left. What now? She had no idea where anything was located yet. Looking around, she saw that there were still some people from the transport nearby. Maybe they knew how she would make it around at least today.

Liam had been jogging on his day off. He was getting back into his running and now more parts of the station were opening up again, it made for some interesting routes. He seemed to always gravitate to the docking ring at the end. Noisily watching the new arrivals.

He sensed someone his own species before he set eyes on her, having curious and nervous thoughts. He sent out a usual Betazoid telepathic greeting and waited to see if he got a response.

Alena frowned. She had definitely heard someone greet her. However, it hadn't been aloud. Aware that there was someone nearby that was at least part Betazoid, she looked around. The person greeting her had to be in view of her.

She sighed. Growing up in a small, only-human community, she hadn't had many friends. Especially when people realized she was part Betazoid. The community hadn't looked well upon anyone who wasn't completely human. It was first at the Academy that she had found help and guidance with her empathy and telepathy. It was mainly the first one that bothered her. She picked up on people's emotions easier than what was comfortable for her. The telepathy, at least, was weak. She had to be within touching distance to hear anything solid.

However, while she had found guidance at the Academy, her stay there had been busy to put it mildly. There had been a massive influx of students those years, to the extent that even the instructors had had trouble keeping up. It was something she had overheard one day after one of her classes was done.

It meant that it had been hard for her to get enough knowledge about her abilities to learn anything. With a sigh, she pushed the memories to the back of her mind, and looked for the Betazoid who had greeted her.

"Hi," Liam walked up to her. Seen as though the normal way to communicate wasn't working, he would go the other way. "I'm Liam. You looked a little lost. Can I help?"

Alena looked at the man in front of her. "I'm Alena. And yes, I'm quite lost", she said with a smile. "I need to find my way to my quarters". She sighed. "Navigating in new places has never been my strong suit. I'd say it's a miracle that I passed that class", she added with a grin.

“Where have they assigned you?” Liam asked. “I’m heading back to mine. Exercise all done for today, so I can get you there. We’ll hopefully, I mean I’ve only got lost once so far,” he chuckled.

"I should be assigned quarters not that far from the promenade, and Niska Bar", Alena told the man with a smile. "It's quite overwhelming, being here that is. This is my first assignment".

"Wow they sent you pretty far out," Liam said. "Come on this way. Niskas actually my cousin. If you want to drop by the bar I can introduce you," he offered. "

Exciting though. Secret ex Cardassian station, unexplored planet possible new colony. You got a good first assignment. They sent me to a Klingon bird of prey for 6 months. To try convince them that counselling is useful. Mixed results," he said sheepishly.

"Sure. I'd love to meet the people here", Alena said with a smile. "I can't imagine how it must have been, trying to convince people that counseling is useful. I got some back at the Academy, as I come from a small community that isn't exactly friendly to non-humans. I was blessed that one of the Elders in the community was on my family's side. She ensured we weren't kicked out when they found out I am part Betazoid. My mom left the area shortly after I entered the Academy. She has a restaurant not far from campus now", she told Liam.

“I’ve heard there’s some folks with less evolved attitudes. I’m sorry you went through that,” Liam said thinking how lucky he was to have grown up until he moved to betazed in a lovely Yorkshire town. “Counselling is useful but breaking centuries of Klingon thought patterns requires longer than 6 months. But hey a while back the idea of peace with them was unthought of. We can live I hope. Ahh here we are, Niskas place “the Ferryman”. And of course the rest of the promenade.”

"It quite an interesting place. The Space station that is. As for the community I mentioned. They could have used an attitude adjustment. The universe is far bigger than just Earth. The younger generation liked to think they were the future of a pureblood Earth, ready to exterminate the non-humans. Needless to say that it isn't a nice way to see things. Last I heard, many of the young people my own age ended up in prison for hate crimes. I had one girl I spoke with in the community. She ended up setting fire to a park at a neighbouring community. Because "they were evil"", Alena said with a sigh.

"Counseling was what helped me through a lot of the things I learned from my so-called "peers". And of course Mrs. Anderson and my Ma was there to support me. They gave me a sense of right and wrong that the other young people didn't seem to get it. At least not the same way I did", she went on, thinking back to how she had heard about Elle's imprisonment and sentence. The other girl had definitely bolt loose somewhere. That situation had left Alena wondering what would have happened to her, if she hadn't had Ma and Mrs. Anderson.

"Hopefully theres been more "Ma's and Mrs Andersons to help others in that situation," Liam said. It was worrying to hear about. Niska smiled as they entered and waved them over.

"Another new face," she said.

"Niska this is Ensign Alessa. Ensign, my cousin Niska,"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Alena", Alena said with a smile. "It's a nice place you have here", she added, looking around. It seemed like a place where people could enjoy food, and each others' company, in peace and quiet.

"Thank you," she smiled. "So what will it be? The usual Liam?"

He grinned lopsidedly. "I don't have a Raktajino habit."

"He will fill your head with anything," she said ordering the beverage.

"And yourself?" she asked Alena.

"I'll just have some water, please", Alena said with a smile. "I am not much for anything else. Never got into it".

"Then I hope we can change that," Niska said pouring her some water. "There's a lot of colourful and interesting things to try in this universe. Where do you hail from? The homeworld?" she asked. There was something about this one which made her think she was just as clueless about Betaziod life as she was.

Alena shook her head. "I was raised on Earth, first in South America, then in the United States. The community I grew up in was... different, to put it mildly. They didn't like me much, because of me being part Betazoid", she told Niska.

"Sounds abit like where I grew up. Except when they realised me knowing how someone was feeling was useful, they turned it to making latinuim," she stated. Liam looked curious. Niska rarely opened up about her past. All he knew was his new fathers brother had sired her. "I won't lie though. There were times I got beaten when they thought as I was half Betazoid I knew what they were thinking. I never did. Never developed that side. Then I got beaten for not being able to tell them what certain "guests" were thinking until they decided to believe me and overlook it as I brought so much profit in for them dancing. Not even sure I can do that side even if I was interested in trying. Apparently an Orion/Betaziod hybrid is very rare."

"I see. Seems like a lonely life. And beaten? Some people doesn't deserve to have children around them", Alena said with a frown. "No one put a hand on me, growing up, but I think they would have, had Mrs. Anderson not been there. Some people can't understand that different doesn't mean bad every time. It's all about the individual. There aren't 2 identical people. Maybe identical in some ways, but never 100% the same".

"Oh your preaching to the choir here," Liam said laughing. "I have an identical twin brother," he added for context.

"Yes and when prey tell will cousin number two be gracing me with his presence. I am intrigued as to why he wants a favour of my bar," Niska said curiously. "I mean not even having met me yet. What is about Betaziod families? They seems to be an overfamiliarity of well everything. We might have both got off lucky you know Alena."

Liam put his hands up in complete surrender. "I know nothing. Except Jon's a cheeky bugger. Nothing like me," he said looking back to forth to both women. "Honestly ask my wife."

Alena grinned. "We must've been lucky", she agreed with a nod. "And I doubt your wife would give away any hidden flaws of yours. You must love each other dearly, if the look in your eyes is any indication", she added to Liam with a wide smile.

"The second I laid eyes on her, things just seemed to fit together," Liam said simply. "And continue to get better as each day goes by."

Niska snorted. "You bet he adores her. But I'm more pragmatic. You put yourself out there, you eventually get stomped on."

"Not every person is Aer Niska," Liam said. He hoped she would eventually get over the El-Aurian choosing Jack Patton over her.

"I won't lie. It took a long time, and I had several stompings but you have to keep trying to let love in because when you eventually find it its worth everything. Look at me getting philosophical and ive only had coffee."

Alena grinned. "I was the awkward one in that department, throughout teenage years, and the time at the Academy. I was more interested in books than boys", she said. "But I saw a lot of people around me fall in love. There just wasn't anyone that made me get that dreamy look on my face. I guess I just didn't understand them", she said with chuckle.
She felt wistful for a moment, wishing she had had that kind of connection with someone growing up. She pushed the feeling away. Dwelling in the past wouldn't get her moving in her present. "To me, the girls might as well have been speaking an unknown language, and the boys were from an undiscovered part of the universe", she went on. "It felt odd, to put it mildly".

"Well hopefully you will meet someone less from a undiscovered part of the universe here and have a chance to explore that if you get that dreamy look on your face," Liam suggested. "But also and this goes for you too Niska. What about exploring the abilities you have via your DNA. I know the "family" side of us Betaziods is overbearing in places but the empathic abilities. They are gifts. I would love to help you both."

"I'd love to learn more about my abilities. And about Betazoid as a species. I did read a bit here and there at the Academy, but there wasn't a main focus on Betazoids as species. At least not in my classes. Only a bit about etiquette and polite behaviour. Not much about their history or in-depth knowledge", Alena said, grateful for the offer.
She had wondered where she could find someone to help her learn about her abilities. There hadn't been much time to do it at the Academy, as she had taken several extra classes to get as much knowledge nailed down in as short time as possible.

"Right then its settled. I shall begin both of your teaching in Betaziod 101," Liam stated simply. "I will be in touch with a schedule."

"A schedule," Niska looked positively aghast. She looked at Alena as if to say this was her fault.

Alena shrugged. "I can't speak for Niska, but I'll welcome the help. Niska should have a say in what she wants and doesn't want", she said.

"Oh believe me Niska gets a say in what happens to Niska," Niska stated firmly. "And Niska always works out what is beneficial for Niska."

"Developing your telepathic abilities could be useful," Liam shrugged. He could already sense she had settled on this though.

"Do not schedule these classes to early," the green skinned woman said firmly. "Now if you will excuse me the lunch trade is starting."


Cmdr. Liam Reynolds
NPC Mel D'BrooNi

Niska O'Trei
NPC Mel D'BrooNi

Ensign Alena Alessa
Diplomat's Aide


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