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Posted on Fri Apr 23rd, 2021 @ 7:18am by Commodore Keiben Haistro

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Briar Patch Region - Outer most edge
Timeline: Mission Day 1 @ 0730 Hours

Data Recorder: Stardate 98889.26
USS Yosemite - Oberth Class
Captain Senya in Command

Shifting uncomfortably in her chair Captain Senya, an Andorian Women of some years, could not get comfortable in the Command Chair. Granted her ship was an old one, possibly the last one in service in Starfleet but why take something out of service when it was still capable of doing the job, even if it was at the expense of the crews lumbar support. Senya could remember reading something about these old Oberth Class Starships when she was just about to take command of her nearly ten years ago, it was a statement from a Captain Estiban commanding Officer of the USS Grisson and it read:

"She may be slow, she may not have any teeth and the chairs are enough to cripple even the most weathered Starfleet Officer but nothing compares to the sensor platforms she boasts"

That still rang true even today. After many refits the USS Yosemite could rival her more modern counterpart, the Nova Class Starship. She just had less amenities!

Tayna looked slightly amused at her captain, the Andorian first officer watching those who were on the bridge. "You should have requested a better fit of chair, Captain. " she commented.

Today though, she wished she had been given Command of a Nova Class. She gave up with the Command Chair and moved across to her science officer.

"What have you got Jay?"

The fresh faced young man who had barely left his teens turned to her with a glint in his eye. He had found something as Starfleet had suggested they might.

"Its on the very edge of our sensor range Captain but its immense, hidden in a dense pocket of Metrion Gas... readings are not clear at this range... I would say we need to be within one million kilometers to get some solid readings"

Senya turned, a smile crossing her lips also. "You heard the boy Nixx... get your blue ass in gear and move us in closer!"

Tayna hid a smile noting that the Captain wasn't going to acknowledge her comment, she turned her attention towards the viewscreen her antennas moving forward showing great interest in what was being picked up.

The Bolian women at Navigation looked amused at the relaxed nature of the bridge. "I would point out Captain that your ass is just as blue as mine, just a lighter and less attractive shade".

Tayna laughed, shaking her head as to the levity, but loved it anyway. "Very naughty there Nixx." grinning.

The mood on the bridge was shattered as the tactical console ignited in a mass of colour and sirens. Automated systems sprang to life and the shields began to power up around a ship that was now approaching its second century in service.

"Report" the Captain called.

"Incoming projectiles Captain. Not photon or plasma based... sensors are unable to identify. The power readings are off the charts, our shields won't be enough against them!" The tactical officer reported, fear crossing his face who looked just as fresh out of the academy as Jay... Senya paused a moment unable to remember if this young man was the one due to be married at their next layover at Starbase three zero eight... She snapped herself back.

"Launch the logs probe, transfer emergency power to Shields........."

Tanya was on her feet terror filling her eyes, it just can't be that this is happening! "Captain....." that was all that she could even say when the whatever, hit.

Flames erupted around her, engulfing the bridge in one swift motion, her breath caught, unable to breath as she felt the flames pass her by into a black void that had opened where the viewscreen once had been... patterns of ice forming across her eyes as a blackness started to descend.

Visual log ends


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