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To Leave Behind And To Look Forward

Posted on Thu Apr 15th, 2021 @ 10:28pm by Commodore Keiben Haistro & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - Echoes Of An Empire
Location: Deck 1 - Captains Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 12 @ 1500 Hours


The call ended and he really did feel grateful that he would have some family around, but at the same time it concerned him about how the crew would view him and if Os would compromise his position as Commanding Officer... But all of this was mute, it was happening so he would need to work with his brother to find a middle ground. There was however one other item on his list, and it was sat in his pocket waiting for the right moment to broach with Mel.

"Can I ask a question that won't end up with me being sent back to sickbay with further injuries?"

“That depends on the question,” Mel replied. She honestly just wanted to stay snuggled up in his arms. She still felt so bad for Peter and had been so worried about him. Both of them being pulled somehow into T’Kon consoles. She ran her fingers gently over Keibens hand both relieved he hadn’t lost his but mortified for Peter.

"Peter will be fine, and if not for you then he may not have survived which is why, and please don't shoot the messenger but, you really do deserve this!" but before she could object he gently placed a finger on her lips. "Read me before you say anything. I already know you feel with every fibre of your being that you don't or haven't earned it but please read me... I know you can. Feel what I feel about you as an Officer, a Doctor and as a valued member of my crew and not what I feel for you personally."

He opened his mind and allowed her in, also a sneaky way of testing just how strong she had become while on the planet, he just kept one little section locked away from her, something he wanted to surprise her with once she could see she really had earned the promotion.

Mel sighed, “I know you feel that. I know your proud of me and want me to take it. Your thoughts are even stronger now. But it’s not about you. Keiben it’s about me. I lost so many. We all lost people but I was the one who could not save everyone. I cannot take a pip for that situation. You will get to give me that one day but I’m going to do something worthy of it as a doctor. Like cure a plague or discover a new universal antibiotic.”

"You have earned it as a Doctor and an Officer just like Tam earned her promotion... Do you honestly think, no matter how much I loved the women, I would let Starfleet promote her when she didn't rightly deserve it?"

Perhaps now was the time to drop the other bombshell on her... "Besides, I wouldn't want to propose to anyone under the rank of Lieutenant Commander... I do have some standards after all!"

He had passed to her during his statement what she thought was the pip... it wasn't.

Mel found her tongue suddenly between her teeth as she peered in the box surprised. The words permeating her brain.

~yes ... yes yes ... good move beefcake betaziod ... what’s the ring like get closer. ....~ her hosts suddenly all started up. It was nice considering how pissed at her they were over the mind meld and other T’Kon related events.

“You don’t mean that. If you truly love me like I know you do, you would have me as a civilian, ensign. Any rank,” Mel said simply.

“Are you asking then as you have a fan club in my head all a tither here,” she smiled. “And as much as I won’t take a pip on my neck i would accept a ring on my finger and the honour of getting to be your wife.”

""I am asking Lieutenant Commander... Just don't ask me to go down on one knee. With how I'm feeling right now you may not get me back on my feet!" he paused for a moment considering her internal words. "Beefcake Betazoid?"

Mel nodded then dissolved into giggles. “You don’t want to know what Leiko calls you. You better put that on my finger then I can kiss you stupid.”

"I intend too but first" in one swift fluid movement he placed the pip on her collar and then caught up her hand and slipped the ring on her wedding finger. He really did love this women and if anything over the last few days had taught him was to sieze the moment and live for the day, something Yelena had been trying to make him understand for years. He started leaning in to kiss Mel but he stopped suddenly, a bemused expression taking over as he asked... "What does Leiko call me?"

“Pushy,” Mel said dryly at his move with the pip.

Pulling the pip off she shook her head. “No I can’t. Im sorry. I can’t do that. I thought I could but I can’t. It makes my stomach churn and my skin crawl. Read me ...” she pulled away from him placing it on the coffee table. “Feel it all ..... try to understand please

I want to be full of bliss becoming your fiancé not shaking inwardly. Keiben if you love me and really want me don’t force this on me when I’m not ready,” she pleaded with him.

"I can feel it all and all I can do is offer words that you won't be able to hear... you are being far to hard on yourself and speaking as your Commanding Officer now and not your fiancé I would suggest making time to speak to Commander Horn about this... when he is ready of course". He then changed tack, and took her hand in his, kissing the ring finger he had just adorned for her.

Speaking as your Fiancé I won't put you into any position you don't feel comfortable with but this promotion is here and it won't be going away. But for now, lets just enjoy what we have right now... and maybe think about getting into the gym. Betazoid weddings and all!"

“That promotion is on hold,” Mel said firmly. “I will speak to Peter. I’m always talking to Peter. Perhaps one day. Not now.”

As if she needed to physically hide it she took her cardigan off and placed it on top of the offending pip.

Then she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling herself up close pushing thoughts of the pip out of her mind focusing on the excitement and joy of this. A new chapter in both their lives. Kissing him deeply, she relaxed into him again. Pulling back for air a little later she chuckled.

“Charlie’s going to freak you know, not at us getting married. She’s secretly been wishing that would happen since she found out about us but her having to be naked. I vote you tell her we are going traditional.”

"Lets tackle that bridge later... much later!"
He kissed her, allowing his passion to direct the kiss, both their mind mingling together, entwining the love the both felt for one another.



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