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The Find

Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 6:00pm by Rear Admiral Leena Haistro & Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds & Glin Slorir Varin & Lieutenant JG Osil Haistro

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Palingenesis


Leena had found her way to a vacant seat of to the side of the bridge. The image of this ethereal radiant women mixed with images of Romulans and Son'a has overwhelmed her, almost burned out her telepathic senses in fact and she was still shaking from the interaction.

When the glass of water appeared infront of her, she gratefully accepted it. "Thank you".

"It was a goddess Maam," Liam told her knowing there were far too many questions. "This is classified by our planet's government but well no one has any power over her communicating and plenty experienced it. She is the 5th Goddess. I will ensure you get sent copies of the files the government have. Jon and my mother, she's part of things. She ... Methalina. Jon's had encounters with her before and now it seems she has chosen to reveal herself and interact with us too."

The Cerberus was soon approaching a small planetoid. Lillian studied her readout. "The coordinates you entered seem to have led us to this small planet. Are we picking up any life signs?"

From the science station, a lieutenant reported "Sensors are picking up a fortified structure on the surface. Parts of it are shielded but we should be able to beam down."

Lilian stood, suppressing a wave a nausea that swept over her. "Very well. I'll take an away team and investigate. Admiral you should remain here. Glin Varin, you're welcome to join us. Commander Reynolds, Lieutenant Reed you're with me. You have the bridge number one."

Leena just nodded, she wasn't sure she would be much use on the away team anyway, so she resigned herself to keep Carters chair warm while she was gone.

The Cardassian Guard Officer shook his head, "I appreciate the offer to travel with you, but I will remain aboard should my services be needed here."

Osil frowned, glancing first at his mother before addressing the captain. "If you insist on going, then you're not going without security escort," he insisted.

Liam approached Carter, trying to keep his expression neutral. “Captain, could I have a word with you…. In private?”

Lillian was about to dismiss him but there was something immovable about his stance and how he had placed himself between her and the turbolift doors. “Very well, the rest of you to the transporter room. We’ll join you in a moment.”

She then led the way onto the small ready room just off the bridge. As soon as the doors closed the turned to face him. “You’ve got 2 minutes. Go.”

Liam didn’t need two minutes. “Captain. I’m going to have to first officer you.”

Lillian started to protest but he continued, pressing his point.

“As you know we will be beaming down into an unknown hostile environment. This is a hostage situation and if attempts at diplomacy fail things could turn ugly real fast. I must insist that you remain here.”

“What gives you the right to dictate what I can do on my ship?” she asked incuriously.

“Permission to speak freely?” Liam asked.


“While not officially a member of this ships crew, your first officer is not present. In his absence someone has do the annoying first officer thing to keep you safe and here to look after the safety of the ship. Your place is on the bridge, Captain. And I am one of the few people here of rank who can speak up,” he finished.

Lillian was about to overrule him but she heard his words and realised that…. He was right. She was now the Captain and she had to think of more than just herself, more than just her desire to lead the charge. She regarded the older handsome officer for a moment, her respect for him growing. It takes a lot of nerve to challenge the orders of a commanding officer.

She took a deep breath. “Very well Commander. You shall lead the away team. Keep an open comm link with the ship. Find your brother and get out. No unnecessary risks, understood?”

He kept at attention but relaxed somewhat, knowing she would be remaining on the ship. “Yes Captain.

She headed for the door. Before it opened, she paused and turned to him. “Thank you for your… discretion in this. I trust you’ll keep me on my toes?”

Liam nodded. It was certainly better than losing ones toes as he to be the case with Jon presently.

The doors opened and they stepped back onto the bridge. “Report to the transporter room Commander.” Lillian settled herself back into the Captain’s chair.



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