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Posted on Thu Aug 17th, 2023 @ 7:17am by Lieutenant Rohan Read & Ilyas Horn

1,474 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Point Of Enlightenment
Location: Armoury

Now that Connor was gone, ilyas felt a certain kind of freedom as his older brother was always trying to reign him in. But he couldn't help being curious about things and places now could he? Wasn't he supposed to be? He remembered the tales from his father and how he used to go exploring at the grand age of eleven. What he purposefully failed to remember however, was how it also frequently got his dad in trouble.

Ilyas had no mind for that as he stole into the armoury, eyes wide as he trailed past the vast array of weaponry. He wasn't allowed to touch anything at home, least of all the treasured bat'leth which was far too heavy for him anyway. But much to see and maybe just hold or even try? Carefully he reached out, standing up on the tips of his toes to lift a rifle from the wall.


Lieutenant Read sat in the security office reading through the latest sector crime reports and statistics. Pretty dry reading for most but Rohan liked to be in the know of what was going on locally as no doubt any criminal was bound to end up on the station at some point.

A flashing light on his console caution his attention. A silent alarm has been tripped to main stations armoury. He quickly called up the security feed for the armoury. At first glance all looked as it should. Then he noticed a shadow move. Someone was definitely there.

Rohan clipped a phaser to his belt and made his was down to the Armoury.


Stretching out just a little further, the boy was able to lift the rifle with his fingers, nearly missing it as it tipped from it's rest. "Oh wow," he marveled, running small fingers across the weapon's surface. "This is so awesome."


Read approached the armoury with caution and in silence. He wasn't sure how someone had gotten into the armoury as it was meant to be locked and secured. Thankfully the silent alarm was tripped alerting security of an unauthorised access. Now, he just needed to catch the perpetrator in the act.


The boy was too engrossed in his prize, turning it this way and that. Obviously, he had never before held a phaser rifle, even though he wasn't alien to weaponry in general. After all, being part Vulcan did somewhat require him to learn and master the ancient Vulcan ritual weapons. He turned, peering along the barrel, pretending to sight a target.


Rohan entered the armoury silently, rolling his feet each step as to keep the noise to a minimum. He heard a noise coming from the far side of the armoury and he slowly made his way there. Phaser drawn and ready to use if needed.

As he reached the end where the noise was coming from, Read slowed his breathing. He didn't want to give the perp the chance of firing first.

He glanced round and saw a figure holding what looked like a rifle. He quickly aim his phaser at the person holding the weapon. "I suggest you stop what you're doing and slowly put that weapon down." He said in a commanding tone.

Startled, the boy managed to press the trigger, having been resting several small fingers on the button in his innocent play. He squealed as an orange beam shot forth from the barrel and he dropped the weapon.

Read was surprised by the reaction for a moment before realising it was actually a child who had gotten into the stations armoury. "How the hell did you get in here, lad?"

Ilyas stared back eyes wide at the weapon that was aimed at him. "I just could...the door opened just like that." It wasn't a lie, the door had opened for him but how he didn't really know. "This place is interesting and fun. More fun than school "

Rohan couldn't help but be surprised by the boy's response. Perhaps things had gotten lax on the station go allow children access to the armory. He crouched down to be eye level with him. "What's your name?"

The boy straightened. "Ilyas Horn," he said proudly, "and I want to be a security chief. Just like dad used to be."

The name 'Horn' didn't ring any immediate bells for Read but he was still fairly new to the station and there was alot of people who lived and worked on the station. "Who's your dad? Is he on the station?"

"My dad's the chief uhm...sta- no..." The child rubbed his chin in thought, "street? His up there, big space, I'm not allowed up there. He tells ships where to uh park, I think?"

"Chief Flight ops?" Rohan asked, a little confused.

The child shook his head. "No no...chief...stra...strat..." He wrenched his eyes shut for a moment, trying to think. "Stratego?" He finally ventured.

"Ah, Strategic Operations?" Read asked with a smile.

Snapping his fingers, Ilyas grinned up at the man. "That's the one." He had a new strategy, distract the man long enough so he could slip away and just disappear. "Do you know him?"

"I'm afraid I don't." Rohan replied honestly. "I'm new to the station so I'm not familiar with everyone. My name is Rohan, Rohan Read, it's a pleasure to meet you Ilyas." He said offering the boy his hand to shake.

Ilyas eyed the offered hand suspiciously. "You're not going to tell my dad are you?" He asked.

"No I'm not. You are though." Rohan said before giving the boy a small wink. "Come on, let's go and find your father and explain how you've been helping security find holes in the security net."

"He won't believe that," the boy protested even though he was grateful not to be in any trouble with the security chief. "He can see right through a lie."

"Maybe from you, but not from me. However, I need you to promise not to come in here again, OK?"

"Ok..." The boy didn't give an outright promise because he couldn't make that promise. "So....can I try that now?" He asked boldly, nodding towards the weapon that had been taken from him.

"Erm, probably not. Maybe when you're older and with your father's permission you could try it in a firing range." Rohan said as he stood up and patted the lad on the shoulder. "Come on, shall we go and find him?"

"Why do we have to?" The boy challenged, really unkeen to face his father.

"He needs to know and would better if it came from both of us, rather than just me." Rohan replied. "Come on, lwts head up to Ops to find him."

Ilyas sighed miserably. "Do we really have to? Didn't you ever have secrets from your dad as a kid?"

"Plenty." Rohan replied with a chuckle. "So, if we don't tell you dad, are you gonna stay away from places you shouldnt be?"

"No," the boy answered honestly, "probably not if you tell dad either." He could lie about it, but that would probably land him in even more trouble later, however exciting a lie might feel at present. "Dad says he got in trouble a lot when he was even younger than me. He said when he was about my age, he was stuck in the brig and his mom wasn't pleased about it."

Rohan sighed, "So what's the best solution to this? I can't have you sneaking into places that are dangerous."

The boy smiled hopefully. "Give me things to do that allow for some sneaking around?" He almost begged. "School is so boring, I'd rather crawl around the station looking for things."

The security officer considered what the young man had said for a few moments while he thought. "Well, you did find a weakness in the security to the weapons locker." He mused out loud. "If you promise not to touch things you shouldn't like weapons then perhaps we could put your inquisitive mind to use."

"Really?" The boy looked even more hopeful now. "I hope dad will agree," he said wishfully, "I really don't like school..."

"This would be along side your studies not instead of." Rohan frowned, he was starting to lose patience with him.

"Oh..." The boy looked disappointed. "Dad needs to agree first anyway...." He sighed softly, not looking forward to this conversation as he'd been skipping school the past days. "Dad is probably in OPS, I'm not allowed there...."

"You'll be allowed if accompanied by me." Rohan said as he stood up. "Come on then, let's go."

"Okay..." Ilyas didn't look too thrilled at having to meet his father in OpS, but the promise of some ability to go snooping around made up for it.


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