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Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 2:54am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonathan Stoun

1,261 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Point Of Enlightenment
Location: Promenade

The wedding of Tam and Junjie had ended, and the party was over. Shailyn gave a gentle sigh as she loved how the wedding had taken shape. Afterwards though, Shailyn took Jon's hand and pulled him from the holodeck and out away from the crowd.

"Say want to get out of your dress uniform and into something more comfortable?" Shailyn having noticed his dislike of the dress uniform. She couldn't blame him for not liking it.

"Yeah that sounds good, I like formal events mostly, but.. just this thing, I can never get it to fit right." He motioned to the dress uniform. "There is a reason they don't let us usually wear formal things." Jon laughed as he looked at Shailyn, the newness of it all still kind of a blur. "How do I look though?"

"You are quite fetching in it." Shailyn replied, giving him a kiss, and not caring who saw them or not. "So lets get out of these outfits and go get some pizza? I'm not used to wearing this sort of outfit." she gave a slight chuckle.

"Well, I love it, it looks great on you, but yeah, I suppose neither of us are big on this kind of outfit huh? I mean, I can't imagine that would work really well for crawling down into the computer core huh?" He held her hand. "I mean, neither is this thing. I mean if we go on a date or something maybe you could wear that again?"

"I would be delighted to wear it, just for you." Shailyn softly smiled. "And when we go on date, why not wear something besides the dress uniform." a thought occured to her. "Do you want to go shopping and we find some other clothing as well? I am thinking I may have to rework my wardrobe. For some reason I am wanting to get some more feminie clothing." linking her fingers with his.

"I mean, I've always liked what you've worn up until this part, though I've always said that whatever it is should make you happy." He smiled as he walked past others on the deck. "I mean, if you want to pick me out something, I wouldn't be to opposed, the be honest, I don't have many clothes besides my uniforms, and like pajamas. I don't know, call my utilitarian?"

"Oh gosh!" Shailyn staring at Jon for a moment, "I've never picked out clothing for someone before well besides well for me. This should be fun. Its interesting how a person can change when they find someone they care about a lot. A simple way of how they want to look for a person. Like me, I actually put on a little bit of makeup. Nothing fancy but just enough to call attention to my eyes." she stopped short and chuckled. "Oh dear, I am rambling."

"Well, I can let you experiment on me if you want, though I don't know, I'll let you use your best judgement I guess." The thought of all kinds of sillyness ran through his head. "I don't like pastels though."

Shailyn gave a chuckle, "Don't worry you don't seem to be a pastel kind of man. Maybe some dark browns, a dark wine colored shirt. We'll see what we find and most assuredly make certain they are comfortable." giving Jon a kiss.

"Sounds fine, just know they are probably going to get filthy though. Well what about you though? Do I get to pick out an outfit? I mean seems only fair right?"

"Well you can pick out several for me. And if your clothes get dirty, then they get dirty." Shailyn replied. "I am very interested in what you will pick out."

"Well, I mean, uniforms looks good on you. So.. anything else is bonus I suppose." Jon laughed a bit as he pulled her closer. "I mean, I don't know, do you like dresses?"

"Well, I've not worn a dress in a long while hadn't felt that it was necessary, well that was due to well." running her finger along Jon's chest,"Not having someone I wanted to wear a dress for. I would love to wear some dresses now though." her cheeks going a delicate pink.

"I'd like that too, well not me wearing the dress, but well, never mind." They had stopped in front of a clothing store, outfits from all over were displayed in the windows. Jon put his arm around Shailyn's waist. "See anything in there? Also, we doing anything tonight? I don't have a shift today randomly."

Shailyn giggled at his comment wearing a dress, "I have today and tomorrow off, as for a dress. Well, lets go inside and see. Want to see me in red, or black or even dark green? What was your favorite color?" her eyes round with the selection there.

"I Like a deep blue to be honest, more like a midnight blue, though you can never beat a little black dress. Something with pockets though I would think."

"Hmnnn.. maybe a midnight blue dress for me, looks almost black until I stand in the light." Shailyn giving a grin. "And most definitely things with pockets. Gotta have pockets be they a dress or pants or even shirts. Practical but also nice." sliding her arms around Jon to lay her head upon his shoulder. "This is very lovely. I am still liking this feeling of having someone in my life."

"Yeah, this is definitely nice. Been a bit." Jon leaned his head on Shailyns head. "I'm surprised the rumor mill hasn't started already. Chiefs giving all the best shifts to Shailyn!" He laughed a bit. "Maybe I need to put you on a few graveyards to just make sure there is no conflict of interest or anything." The Engineer grinned. "Nah, that wouldn't do, maybe I need to take some graveyards." He changed the subject. "Why don't you go try on somethings."

Shailyn gave Jon a gentle kiss. "We can split graveshifts okay? I don't mind. We will just have to make up for that time." flashing a cheeky smile. Then she turned to go try on some dresses.

Shailyn came out to show the dresses she had chosen to get Jon's reaction. One fit her curves rather nicely, but no pockets. The other she came out in had a slit going up her thight she posing seductively, it did have a pocket. It was midnight blue, and had a scoop neckline which was slightly daring. The other she came out in was a v neck, hugged the right places and also had two pockets. She was able to move in that a bit more naturally.

"Nice, I like all of them. I told you I wouldn't be much use though, I was just going to tell you everything looked good anyways." He grinned, for a few moments he felt happy, and then his comm badge chirped. He sighed and then tapped it. "This is Jon, go ahead"

"Chief, we need you in pylon docking controls, the stabilizers went out and we are having a hell of a time getting them calibrated, and we have a vessel with perishables on board trying to dock."

"Anyone else available, I'm a bit busy at the moment."

"No sir."

Disappointment escaped his lungs. "Alright, I'll be there in ten." He looked over at Shailyn, "I gotta go. I'm sorry."

"it is okay, the lot of a Chief Engineer." Shailyn replied. "Just be safe." Giving him a kiss before he left. " See you around"


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