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Bringing you back

Posted on Sat Mar 4th, 2023 @ 7:04pm by Lieutenant JG Sher'ra Verona & Lieutenant Commander Junjie Han

1,499 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: DS21
Timeline: Current


Tamaska tapped her combadge and called for Sher'ra and Junjie to meet with her in her office.

=^=Lieutenant Verona and Lieutenant Commander Han would you come to my office please.=^=

Junjie responded. =^= Message received and understood, let me lock up and store these radioactive isotopes and I'll be right there. =^=

Sher'ra responded soon after =^= Copy that Commander =^= she said simply before closing up the weapons locker she'd been looking through and making her way to Tamaska's office.

A few minutes later Junjie chimed the door and walked in. " Hello Tam. Your day is going well I hope? It's a light work day for me today, would you like me to make dinner for us tonight? " He asked. " Oh and may I get a drink from your replicator? Would you like something as well? "

Tamaska waved her hand towards the replicator. "Go ahead, love. I'll have some ginger tea please, with lemon and honey." giving an soft smile towards Junjie. "As for dinner, hmnnn surprise me." giving a laugh.

" Computer, one Ginger tea with lemon and honey and a Matcha milk tea hot. " The replicator whirred and produced the requested items. Junjie brought the cups of tea to the desk and placed the ginger tea in front of Tamaska before sitting down himself. " Surprise you with dinner? Hmm... But where could I find fresh gagh at this time of day? " He asked.

The computer responded. there is a Klingon G-8 merchant vessel docked at lower pylon number seven, Gagh is listed on it's manifest. You may obtain some there.

Junjie stared at the ceiling in disbelief and then began laughing. " Well that was unexpected. " Junjie shook his head. So do you want that for dinner tonight or would you like something else? " He chuckled.

"Make it some of that, and with some Sushi that would work out well." Tamaska replied with a smile.

Junjie laughed. " Got it. Gagh and Sushi is on the menu tonight, And I'll warm up a bottle of Soju to go with it as well. "

A few minutes later, Sher'ra quickly walked through her door, breathing a little heavily, “sorry, I got caught on my way by a couple of squabbling Ferengi” she said before taking a couple of deep breaths and standing up straight, “Lieutenant Verona reporting as requested”

"Thank you for arriving, please get yourself a drink and then we'll get down to business." Tamaska giving an easy smile. "Well actually I can start right off and ask you a question, how would you like to be the Chief of security when Commander Han takes the Copernicus out when he goes on some missions of exploration?"

Pausing for a moment, Sher’ra quickly thought over the offer as she moved over to the replicator, “um, yea sure. I’m sure the station could spare me every now and then”

"Well with things going through changes, and I am going to be over the station in and of itself. You will be needed in various capacities. Also, in order to give your some room to do different projects, would it be alright if I do not put you in as Assistant chief of security on the station as a whole? I have a feeling that you will need to be able to go about different duties without the, er.. bindings of Chief being added to your list. "

She looked over to Junjie to see what he thought of that and then back to Sher'ra.

" I've got no objections. " He said. "I have worked with her in the past and she has been a fine and competent officer. As for being in charge of security on the Copernicus, I have no concerns. It will give her valuable experience to advance her career. " He thought and stroked his chin for a moment. " So being the Chief of Security of the Copernicus might be a challenge for her at first, but I believe that she can handle it. We've got a young but good security team on the Copernicus, about half of them are fresh out of the academy though. " He stated to Tamaska.

Junjie turned his attention to Sher'ra. " So Lieutenant Verona, The real question is, are you up for the challenge? Your being offered an opportunity that can advance your career, the choice is yours to make. I'll even give you some time to think it over if you'd like to. "

Sher’ra had to think for a moment, “so, I would be assigned to the Copernicus full time? In essence, i’d have my own department to run again?”

"Yes you would but also, you will be needed on the station for when the Copernicus isn't out on exploration runs. Even though you will not be Assistant Chief of Security, you will be vital. In essence you will be able to if needed go undercover. It is still in its infant stage but I want to make certain you have the flexibility you need." Tam gave a nod towards Sher'ra. "Who knows you could even do some investigations. We can coordinate with Commander Tobru."

Sher’ra nodded, “that sounds like fun. I guess I’ll get my stuff moved back to the Copernicus. Maybe I could even set up a proper kitchen in the mess hall again” she said, imagining the possibilities.

" You have your commanding officers approval to set up a proper kitchen in the mess hall, As long as you remember that I enjoy cooking too. " Junjie said with a grin. " One can only eat so many replicated meals before wanting real food again." Said Junjie with a more serious expression upon his face.

Tam spoke up, "Sher'ra, you need to have quarters on the station as well. So you will have two residences, one on the Copernicus and the other on the station. Even if you want to live on the Copernicus 24/7 it isn't going to be feasible." Tam having an amused expression. "And I am going to be jealous, cause I won't get to have any of that food you two will be making." crossing her arms over her chest and giving a mock pout.

" You'll want to have quarters on the station as well. If the ship is in for repairs or any refit, you will want your own place that's your and not berthing in the visiting officers quarters. Those are short term and not the most comfortable places to stay in a long term situation. That or sometimes we'll just be between missions or need to resupply for the next mission, that and it's nice knowing you've got a place to call your own is a comfort. At least it is to me. " Said Junjie.

"Besides, I'm sure you'd like to have your own area on the station for your own kitchen. Either way, a place to call your own is best." Tamaska added.

“I believe I have that covered. I’m sharing a set of quarters with one of the station’s merchants, Jaas'rah” Sher’ra said as she turned to Tamaska, “and I’m sure you’d Be free to come onboard the Copernicus to sample our cuisine any time we’re docked at the station.”

"Ohh I had no idea that you have a significant other, congratulations." Tamaska giving a bit of a smile. "Well then looks like you are set up then in that department." She paused for a moment then remarked. "I hope I will not be stuck on the station and not be able to go on some exploration trips. If I am not able to go off station, the station won't like what I'd be like if cooped up too long." Tamaska replied.

Junjie chuckled softly. " I think the Admiral would personally put you aboard the Copernicus if you started getting to that point. " He said with a amused tone in his voice, " Besides the first mission we're going on is a charting mission of the nearby system, and the ones who'll be getting the real workout will be science team and stellar cartography. Most of the crew will most likely be bored unless we find something of interest or encounter a new species. Other then that, who can say? " He said as he steepled his fingers together as he thought. " Of course if that happens we'd have to send a request back for a first contact team and someone would have to be in charge of the team, And I don't think they'd send the Admiral for the task. So I guess that task would fall to you Tamaska. "

"Yes it would fall within my jurisdiction. OKay now that we've got this settled, it is now time to get back to work and move forward on matters of the station and beyond. I still can't believe I am now presiding over the station." Tamaska said quietly.

“I believe the term is delegation” Sher’ra said with a cheeky smile. “Don’t work too hard”

Tamaska chuckled.



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