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The wedding of Mathias and Caroline

Posted on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 8:38pm by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Lillian Carter & Commander Peter Horn & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Commodore Keiben Haistro & Lieutenant Commander Junjie Han & Glin Slorir Varin & Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds

2,197 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Holosuite 1
Timeline: MD5 1200Hrs


Vice Admiral Gregory MacCray stood in his Ready Room aboard the Akira Class Starship Geronimo looking at his reflection in the mirror. The older Admiral, who some called a relic of a long forgotten era, adjusted the bars on the collar of his dress uniform to make them pristine. While he was an Admiral and commanded a Starbase it wasn't every day that he got to take part in such a momentous occasion as officiating a wedding. Actually, it was a rare occurrence in the years since Starfleet and the Federation pulled back on supporting his Sector. It was only by pure luck he had this opportunity, having been visiting Deep Space 21 to recruit a new crewmember.

"Bridge to the Admiral."

Adjusting his communicator he tapped it while ensuring it was straight, "Go ahead, Commander."

"Sir, you wanted me to remind you when you were scheduled to officiate the wedding. It's time."

"Thanks, Jivreh," he answered as he took a deep breath. "I'm ready for transport."


In the wink of an eye, a transporter beam enveloped the Admiral to take him to the wedding.

Though Seklar had known the counsellor for a very short time, he felt honoured to be invited to the wedding. While guests were slowly coming in, the Vulcan had stepped away from the increasing crowd and stood at the shore of the lake, gazing up at the stars. It was certainly a beautiful view but for him, this northern hemisphere just couldn't beat the Southern one he had grown up to.

The holodeck doors opened and Melody and Draxx entered, Melody in an elegant dress and Draxx looking very dapper in a suit. Behind the followed Sansa on the arm of Hamish.

Sansa looked around. “This is a beautiful location. Did Mathias choose it? She asked Hamish.

Hamish looked at the setting, then smiled at Sansa "It may have been the decision of both of them, and it is lovely, he noticed Mathias waiting near the front. "Mathias seems rather nervous and also excited." taking a look at his cousin.

Mathias was dressed in a dark blue old style suit, it was something comfortable, and looked rather good on him dark blue with a white dress shirt, and an Ivory coloured tie. Even his hair was cooperating, of which he was glad. When the Admiral showed up, he smiled.

"Thank you for agreeing to officiate this wedding," Mathias said quietly to the Admiral.

"I am truly humbled and honoured to have been asked," Admiral Gregory MacCray answered with humility not fitting a Starfleet Admiral. "I am ready to get this going when you are," he shifted the remarks in his hand awkwardly, having not performed such a ceremony in a long time.

Meanwhile, in a suite not far from the holosimulator, Caroline was standing with her bridesmaid Anya, Kaylee who she was now fast friends with and Liam. "See," she said to Anya. "Pastel pink. Really is your colour. Melody's gone on ahead. Probably wanted to make sure Draxx was decent," she chuckled. "She's going to meet us at top of the aisle. Now I hope I got the right man that you like but I did seat you next to Osil Haistro at the reception."

Anya's lips curled up in a hungry smile and a coy look in her eyes at the thought of the young nubile Betazoid. She had no doubt that he would have no interest in a Benzite but she was allowed to dream.

"Best wedding present ever! But I do have something for you... I was looking up earth wedding traditions and apparently, you should have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue so... This necklace is a family heirloom made of one of the rarest and precious metals found on my home planet, it's very delicate so that covers old and borrowed... Blue you have covered, I'll stay nearby as for new... I replicated this for you this morning".

Anya handed a pure white ornate open top box to Caroline and in it was an intricate weave of flowers in whites and pale pinks that would cling to her upper arm. "You can wear it on your arm!"

Gregor and Avelina had just received word of Mathias's wedding only a few hours ago. Avelina really wanted to go to her brother's wedding so they returned to DS 21 as quick as they could and barely had time to return to their quarters and dress for the wedding. Gregor wore his Starfleet dress uniform and Avelina wore a stunning dark green gown. They were able to get there only minutes before the ceremony began, They were able to catch Mathias's eye and wave to him before the event began.

"Its beautiful," the blond said to Anya. "Thank you so much."

Caroline had forgone a veil and had a crown of flowers instead. Her hair was loose and naturally curly she placed it on her head. "Perfect," she smiled. Her dress flowed comfortably but had enough unique detail.

Liam nodded. "Ready then?"

"Ready and thank you again. All of you," she said linking her arm in her Betazoid mentors as they let Kaylee go find her seat ready.

Liam nodded. Watching his wife in her beautiful dress disappear he straightened up ready to take his duty seriously.

"Right let's get you hitched he said as they walked the short distance to the holosuite. The doors opened and Caroline sighed happily. The environment picked was just perfect. She smiled at Melody and let the music begin for the others to walk down the aisle before her.

Melody spotted Carline and the other bridesmaid enter and kissed Draxx on the cheek. "Looks like I'm needed. You, Sansa and Hamish all have reserved seats down at the front. I'll come back to you after the ceremony. You look very handsome by the way, I'm looking forward to a dance later mister."

"Just one? I plan on twirling you for a while," Draxx quipped.

Melody quickly went over to Caroline and gave her a hug. "You look radiant Sweetie. Mathias is a lucky man. Ready when you are." she assumed her position with Anya.

Anya passed the bouquets to Caroline, still envious that Caroline had found her happy ending and fuelling Anya in her search for the same. Who knew, perhaps Osil Haistro preferred women with a blue hue!

As the doors opened again, this time to reveal the bride, Seklar rejoined the gathered crowd. He pushed his discomfort for crowds aside, wishing he had taken his children so they could keep him grounded. As it was, the twins had expressed the desire to tend to their own fun instead of 'attending a boring wedding '.

Mathias's heart started pounding seeing the light of his life walking down the path towards him. He could scarcely believe that beautiful, enchanting lady was soon going to be his wife and her husband. He also looked to see where David Scarlet was. Feeling a bit crestfallen, Mathias turned his attention back to Caroline.

Scarlet had easily mixed in with the crowd. He'd been removed from duty so he wasn't wearing his dress uniform. Instead, he wore a dark purple dress shirt under a black blazer with matching slacks. He had turned down Mathias's offer to be in the wedding party, and wasn't sure the man would even still want him there. But he had to be there for McPhee whether he knew it or not.

Hamish was rather proud of his cousin, and the fact the lovely lady walking down the aisle. He then looked towards Sansa reaching out and taking her hand in his.

Hiro sat a few rows from the front row, wearing his dress uniform.

Standing at the podium, Gregory set the PADD down and smiled at the crowd as he watched and waited. He wasn't sure about anyone else, but he felt like he could pass out. It would be fitting though, but he couldn't help but smile broadly at the memories of so many weddings. He could still remember when he attended Felix Savali's wedding to a Klingon. That was a wedding.

Keiben had slipped in discreetly with Mel, he in his dress uniform and she in something that was equally as stunning as any of the other dresses in the room barring one. He didn't want to make a scene so took a seat near the back. He had only heard about the wedding a few hours ago and heard who the bride was and knew he had to go and maybe catch her for a quick hello and drink at the reception. It had been many years since he had seen her, back at the academy even.

"Oh she's beautiful," Mel said dreamily as the bride and her party started walking down the aisle. Her dress only just fit this baby had grown again. She didn't have time to be self conscious and besides going by how her husband had kissed her earlier he didn't seem to mind. She squeezed his hand feeling all sentimental, her mind wandering back to their wedding day. He had been just as handsome then. Of course that was the reason she was currently in the tight dress predicament ....

Zirvell had snuck in just behind the command couple, and claimed a seat next to the woman. He too stayed at the back because he didn't want to draw too much attention.

Another latecomer slipped in as well, he had just gotten off a ship, and ran to this event, having just caught wind of this. He looked towards the man at the front of this display, and then his eyes wandered towards one of the best women, lingering on said woman. Well, he will have to make her acquaintance once this was done. He just loved the colour of her skin.

Caroline hadn't opted for the traditional wedding march. It was some beautiful piece of music Mathias had played to her when they had first met playing as she walked down towards him smiling. Stopping opposite him, she looked at the Admiral. "Thank you sir for taking time out to marry us."

"It is truly my honour, but I'm just hoping we don't go to red alert five minutes in because that seems to be how Starfleet marriages always go," the Admiral joked. "Shall we begin?"

Anya discreetly leaned in, taking the stem of the bride's bouquet so it was not getting in the way of the love birds holding hands. She hated to admit it, but her eyes were also starting to feel a little moist at the edges.

"Who gives this woman to marry this man?"

"I do," Liam said proudly. "I give the bride," he removed his arm from hers and gently placed it in Mathias's before moving further back.

That was the Admiral's cue. Standing before the congregation, he looked steadfast around but was inwardly just as nervous as the rest. "Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all shipmasters and Admirals have had one happy privilege: that of uniting two people in the bonds of matrimony. We are gathered here today with you, Caroline Miller, and you, Mathias McPhee, in the sight of your fellows, in accordance with our laws and our many beliefs so that you may pledge your future to one another. Both Caroline and Mathias have been with us for a long time, we have watched their bond develop and grow, through good times and bad, but through it all, that bond has endured."

Gregor leaned in towards Avelina and whispered. " Talk about cutting it close, we barely made your brother's wedding. At least you'll know people when you come aboard the Merlin. You'll have your husband, brother and sister in law on the same ship. "

Mathias listened to the Admiral briefly glancing at him. His attention was more on the beautiful Caroline who looked so radiant. He could hardly wait for the I do's. In his mind he was going through the vows, making certain he still had the ring.

"Mathias, Do you take Caroline to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Mathias responded, with a smile.

"Caroline, Do you take Mathias to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Caroline smiled waiting for that all important question that only had one answer -“I do”

The Admiral stood a little taller, "Then, by the authority vested in me by the United Federation of Planets, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Mathias swept Caroline into a heartfelt kiss, their first as official husband and wife. Feeling rather blissful, Mathias could only say that he was truly happy.

“We did it,” Caroline smiled happily.

"Yes, we did." Mathias agreed and swept Caroline once more into a heartfelt kiss.


Caroline McPhee
Counselor, USS Merlin

Mathias McPhee
XO, USS Merlin

Lieutenant Gregor Morgan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

Commander Seklar
USS Merlin

Lieutenant j.g. Zirvell Khen
Senior Nurse
USS Merlin
pnpc Seklar

Captain Melody Jones
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx-jones
Marine biologist
USS Merlin

Vice Admiral Gregory MacCray
Commanding Officer
Maelstrom Sector


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