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Lost Lamb Part 1

Posted on Fri Jun 24th, 2022 @ 9:31pm by Lieutenant Is'san & Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant JG Lyras

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: USS Cerberus Bridge
Timeline: Mission Day -584,947 @ 1123 Hours


Captains log, USS Cerberus. Lieutenant Commander Lillian Carter:

It has been just over 16 hours since we fled for the Iconian ship and we are still at battle stations. It will still be another six days until we reach the station. I just hope we can get there before we're intercepted by anyone else.

Lillian had gone down to the guest quarters when they had placed Musk. He had not even objected to having a guard outside the door saying he would have done similar if he was in her position.

She pressed the chime and he called out. She entered finding him sitting, reading the book she had let him borrow.

"Good Morning. Are you enjoying that?" she asked.

"Ahh Commander, yes I am. I find this Shakespeare quite enjoyable. Very much similar to one of our own writers. Thank you for letting me read it". He said with a smile. "I must admit I find you rather intriguing."

Lillian shifted on the spot, choosing to ignore the complement. "Come on, Let's go to the bridge."

USS Cerberus - Bridge

"Report!" Is'san called from the command chair, his first stint taking the big chair, something he had not expected when he had stepped on board the combat craft back at Deep Space 21. A short mission he had been told. Now needs must and Commander Carter had requested he assume command while she got some down time.

Gibbs took his station ready to do what was needed, scans, keeping track of the energy feeds.

"Lieutenant Is'san, Sir, would you like me to man communications?" Gibbs decided he wanted to do just a slight bit more than what he was doing at this moment.

Bobby was trying to find a weakness, any weakness they could exploit from what they knew of the alien vessels. Unfortunately, that was very little and the stories of Iconians being technologically advanced seemed to be true. "There's just nothing," he hissed annoyed. "I cannot even work out what sort of shielding they have. All we can do is run."

Lyras caught the last words as he walked onto the bridge. He wasn't even sure why he'd headed up, but sickbay was quiet and he'd never really spent any decent time on any bridge. "Do they have shields like us at all?" He asked, "I mean...even Starfleet did not have shields at some point...what if they...advanced beyond what we currently know?"

“They are unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” Bobby answered. “Perhaps Chief Stoun or that new guy … Hiro was it might have more luck. Best we can do is try get something.”

"Keep at it Ensign... You can only do your best and that is all we ask for!" Is'san calmly remarked as he opened a communication channel "Commander Carter, please report to the bridge!"

With timing that boarded on the supernatural, the turbolift doors opened and Carter and Musk entered the bridge.

Lillian headed to the command chair, Musk by her side. "Morning all. Report. Any sign of hostiles or friendlies?"

"I wish I could report no however we have a total of six Iconian Vessels in pursuit" Is'san vacated the Command chair and proceeded to side step allowing Carter to take her post. "There are indications of other vessels but just on the outside of our sensor periphery. "A further six indications directly ahead of us and another five behind our pursuers!"

Lillian looked at Musk who nodded. "T'Kat will not give up. And he does not forgive or forget. He will catch us eventually."

Lillian sat down. "Any word from the Station? Or from engineering on repairing the multi-vector assault mode? I've got a feeling we're going to need it."

"What about another option?" Bobby suggested looking at the alien. "Tell us about your shields. Give us a weakness or we will be sitting ducks out here when they catch up to us. I mean what was the point of you doing what you just did to have us all potentially be annihilated by 6 warships?"

Gibbs was concerned with this sort of discussion, then he took notice of a signal coming in, he checked it and then smiled. "It looks like they are sending us help." he said a little bit excitedly.

"Who is sending help?" Lyras asked, glancing around the bridge. He felt a little useless but with the current situation, it was probably smarter to be on the bridge and not sickbay. " there anything I can do?"

"The Copernicus" was what Gibbs replied, long range scans were showing that a detachment of ships were heading their way.

Seconds later the intercom sputtered to life and the distorted and static filled line held a voice no less unmistakable.
"Commander Carter, this is Captain Haistro... What's your status?"

"Hold that thought Doctor, your services may be required soon," Lillian said before responding to Haistro.

"Captain, we're being pursued by a small fleet of Iconian ships. We were detained by one but managed to escape with the help of an Iconian who has joined us and is willing to help."

"I look forward to your report. We have brought a T'Kon friend with us, once in range fall into formation and bring your weapons systems online" the line started to improve the closer the ships got to one another and within minutes they would be thrust into a fight with a foe only described in ghost stories and tales in their own time. "We need to slow them down, do some damage to make them pause so we can get back to the station!"

"Aye Sir. Carter out. Helm! prepare to reverse course and engage the enemy. We're going in."



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