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Seek And Ye Shall Find

Posted on Tue Apr 19th, 2022 @ 8:22pm by Commander Lillian Carter & Commodore Keiben Haistro & Lieutenant Is'san & Lieutenant JG Lyras

1,504 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: USS Cerberus Bridge
Timeline: Mission Day -584,948 @ 1525 Hours


"Commander, you can stand down from red alert but stay vigilant" the Captain spoke to Carter over the main view screen, his features still showing the signs of concern but trying to put a calm and thoughtful slant on it.

Lillian nodded. "Aye Sir. Take us back to yellow alert tactical but let's keep the shield up for now."

"Aye Maam," Bobby said turning the alert down a level.

"I'm sure our T'Kon hosts would not begrudge us a look around the system. Tread carefully Commander and remain in contact with the station. Lieutenant Han will be in Command here while Commander Holt and I begin a dialogue with our new friends!" he added once she had issued the orders to her bridge crew.

"Very good Captain. Have a look around but try not to annoy the locals." Lillian said, just confirming her orders. We'll report in every hour unless we find something of interest.

"Good luck Commander. Haistro out!" and the channel went black returning the main view screen to the visual of the star field and the gargantuan warship sailing by on its approach to the station.

Lillian relaxed a bit, but not completely. Though an armed conflict had been avoided, at least, for now, she got the impression that the T'Kon were swift to anger and slow to forgive.

"Helm. Let's have a look around, shall we? Lay in a course for the star system."

"Aye sir" Is'san announced from the conn. "General search pattern laid in starting from our current position and intersecting with the four major planetary bodies... I'll keep us at no more than half impulse so as not to startle the locals!"

Down in sickbay, Lyras was starting to crawl back to his feet, helping a nearby nurse up in the process. "Everyone alright?" he asked, not certain how much time had passed since the station, and the ship had moved. The last he remembered was the sound of red alert, then somehow he must've passed out. "Sickbay to bridge, what is going on?"

Lillian replied "Bridge here Doctor. Don't worry, it's just the locals giving us a nice warm welcome. I think we've avoided all-out warfare for now but, I'd keep sickbay prepared just in case they decide they don't like us. We're moving on to investigate the local area You're welcome to monitor the bridge."

The young doctor arched an eyebrow at that message, his face bearing a hint of confusion at the words 'warm welcome'. "I see," he responded quietly, "yes we shall keep monitoring, and sickbay is prepared." He paused. "As long as you keep us from being thrown off of our feet, as I have injured staff."

The Cerberus was approaching the first stop within the star system when another ship, seemingly appeared out of nowhere, almost right on top of them. The close proximity immediately set off an alarm at the tactical panel

Is'san brought the vessel up on screen, its form like that of an arrow head but comprised of many spires. It felt imposing and foreboding just looking at it. Is'san found his ganglia were reacting, the fear and dread, of death standing over his shoulder invading every part of his being.

"They are sending a transmission sir but the universal translator is unable to lock down the language or syntax!"

Lillian raised an eyebrow but kept composed. "I guess we're making friends all over today. Do you mind telling me where exactly where that ship came from?"

"I wish I could Captain," Bobby said. "But its appeared out of nowhere. And I cannot get any readings as to the how."

Lillian stood and looked at the imposing ship on the viewscreen. "Open a channel." Then added "My name is Lillian Carter, in command of the USS Cerberus, representing the United Federation of planets. We're on a mission of peaceful exploration....."

Today was not proving to be a good day Bobby conceded as he had to interrupt. "We are being boarded Captain." Readings for unknown lifeforms were popping up all over the ship.

He hit the button to initiate red alert. "All decks intruder alert," he announced as he then went for the emergency locker starting to hand out phasers.

Lillian had picked up her phaser. "How the hell are they getting through our shields?" she managed to get out before she caught sight of ten figures starting to appear and threw herself down behind the Captain's chair to avoid weapons fire that started to streak across the bridge. She could already see that they were outnumbered and outgunned and a prolonged exchange of fire was going to be a very costly and very bloody affair. She didn't have time to initiate the autodestruct sequence but maybe there was something...
Speaking quickly "Computer! Suspend all command functions. Authorisation Carter Alpha one five nine seven green."

The Computer beeped in response "Authorisation recognised. All command functions suspended."

Lillian then threw down her phaser and called out "Everyone! Cease fire!"

The bridge fell eerily silent.

She took a breath before adding. "I'm coming up now and I'm unarmed." Praying that the others were still alive, she held her hands up and slowly rose from the ground."

Is'san had been thrust into hand to hand before the weapons had been distributed and his imposing physical strength had been of benefit but the order had been given and gently he placed the invader down who he had in his grip before dropping to his primary knee's and placing his hands on his head.

Ensign Gibbs was gobsmacked and just froze at his station, he just was... panicked was the word. Never had he ever experienced this before and all of his training just went out the proverbial window. All he could do was gape in utter shock.

Down in sickbay, Lyras had been monitoring the bridge as was ordered but at the intruder alert he shot to his feet. As soon as he was up, he was faced with armed intruders, and he sat back down. "Do not fight!" He called out to the sickbay staff. They were unarmed, and wouldn't stand a chance. For himself, he didn't even try to reach for his knife, he'd never get it in time.

Bobby would have advised against Lillian doing that by herself but he couldn't protest now. He had to watch and work out what strategic advantage they may or may not have left.

TAG Reaction's

On the bridge, a tall man approached Lillian. "You are in Command of this Vessel?"

"I am. And you are?" Lillian replied.

Another of the bearing party came up to who was obviously their commander and reported. "Sir all decks reporting they have laid down their weapons. We should kill them all now. We saw them conspiring with the T'Kon, they should all die."

The Commander held up his hand. "You forget your place." He turned his attention back to Lillian. "I am Commander Musk, first lord of the Iconian fleet. We have witnessed you conspiring with our enemies."

Lillian's mind was racing. "Iconian? I think there's been some misunderstanding here. We've... we've only just arrived in this region of space. We are not your enemy."

He frowned "We shall see. You will have an opportunity to present your case. For now, we will round up your crew and bring them aboard our ship."

Lillian took a step forward. "The crew were following my orders. Please, can I have your word they will not be harmed?"

He looked at her for a moment. "Your concern for your people is.... admirable. They will not be harmed.... for now."

The other who had spoken before spoke again. "Sir I must protest! They must die for helping the enemy....."

Musk turned and spoke to him low and deadly "Be silent! I am in Command here and these people show some glimmer of being civilised, unlike the T'Kon, we might be able to talk to these people and get some information. Now gather their crew together and transfer them to the holding cell. If any of them are harmed, you will suffer their pain as well, do you understand?"

Chastised, he lowered his head. "Yes Commander." He then gestured to the bridge consoles which were all blank since Lillian had suspended the command functions. "What about their ship? She..." He looked at Lillian with undisguised venom "has locked out the ship's main functions. We cannot access anything."

"That at least shows they have some intelligence." Musk commented, showing Lillian a look of respect. "Just because those T'kon fools let us take their ships with ease, you expected an easy prize. Lock-on a towing beam... We'll keep the ship close by for the time. Keep the bridge officers here. i want to question them."

The officer who had spoken, T'Kat, now spoke again. "Sir is that a good idea......"

Musk silenced him with a cold stare.

T'Kat bowed his head "It will be done Sir!"



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