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Potential Purgatory

Posted on Mon Jan 31st, 2022 @ 12:41am by Lieutenant Commander Tiandith 'Tia' Tobru

1,300 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: Deep Space 21 - Lower Decks

It was quite surreal. That’s all she could think as she walked through the Cardassian designed hallways of the lower decks. She had to find somewhere with better information, a cargo bay terminal was not the font of all knowledge and only got her so far.

So, here Tia was dressed in some bizarre new uniform that mirrored a version of the colours of Starfleet, her old ‘family’. 25 years had passed since the beginning of the fall began. Operation Return failed and her part in that is something she will remember.

She was task force lead for Operation Reservoir and had orders not to engage but to pick off any stragglers that got through the lines. What she did not expect was for the Dominion fleet to appear and systematically destroy all Operation Returns fleet and she had to withdraw from the edge of Bajoran space, they had more to protect. Tough decisions came with command, she knew that but that one always stuck between her teeth.

Tia did not think of it much, it was too painful. Her eventual promotion to Admiral, their attempt to protect Vulcan failed and fall back to Earth in the vain hope of protecting the ‘home’ of the Federation also failing. The loss of her ship, the USS Cavalry, was also a hard one to take.

So, to be walking amongst Starfleet officers, other species too, who were talking around without a care in the world was disconcerting. Their clothes clean, their bodies looking well fed and rested. This couldn’t be right?

Honestly she kept thinking she’d been stunned by that strange device in her shuttle and she was in some form of lucid dream, or nightmare as the case may be.

“Excuse me, Lieutenant?” she heard from behind her. It did not register however and the individual spoke once more, “Lieutenant?” they asked in a more concerned tone than previously.

Then it clicked, Tia was this Lieutenant… It had been a while since she’d been called that. Tia turned to come before a fresh faced looking Crewman in yellow dress as well. “Yes?” she asked rather suspiciously.

“Sorry, I get turned around on these stations. I am looking for the nearest turbolift. I feel like every corridor looks the same and I am sure I’ve passed that mark on the carpet twice.” she young lady almost cried.

“Happens to us all, Crewman. If I am honest I get that way myself. Deep Space Nine was a nightmare.” Tia said letting that drop to see her reaction. Would she regale her with Tia’s own history or some fantasy fairytale?

“I have heard, but they have done some good upgrades now.” the crewman replied. “Ever since Bajors full membership into the Federation 4 years ago DS9 looks totally different. Almost thought they’d never get full membership.” she added as Tia slowly noticed her nose ridges. This crewman was from Bajor, or at least she was Bajoran… where she was from was speculation.

“I remember hearing about the Dominion. Operation Return and Sisko…” Tia lied a little. She was present for all of it, but thought that may play into whoever's hands she was playing puppet for.

“Oh it was a great day!” She exclaimed. “I wasn’t born yet but my father was in the Bajoran Militia and said it was a turning point for sure. The Dominion didn’t stand a chance, The Prophets and The Emissary saw to that.” she grinned. “I’ve only heard stories though, but the way the powers of the quadrants pulled together. Starfleet, Klingons, Romulans and even the Cardassians turning on them. Still gives me goosebumps, as you Humans call it.`` She spoke with great passion.

Tia felt like Alice, that she’d fell through the Looking Glass and the world had totally turned upside down. She actually felt a little bit sick, her mouth had dried up and for a moment she felt dizzy. All her El Aurian senses were screaming at her that something just did not fit. It was like that itch you couldn’t scratch because you couldn’t pinpoint where it is, or it was in an unreachable place on your body.

Fortunately they had been walking and talking so the change in behaviour was not overly noticeable as they both came across a turbolift. Unbeknownst to the crewman, Tia had been looking for one too.

“Oh, thank you, Lieutenant. Prophets be with you.” she said, leaving Tia standing and leaning her hand against the wall with a weak smile and nod. Anything to get this woman and her enthusiasm away from her.

Others walked past her and looked at her with concern in their eyes but Tiandith simply nodded and gave that fake smile one gives to tell people not to bother you. She needed to gather herself and quickly, this attention she was drawing was both unwanted and dangerous.

The more she interacted with the people, the environment, she was sure this could not be a fiction her mind made up. She was creative, imaginative sure, but this was on a scale she knew her mind would not be able to project even if it was to protect her. There were too many moving parts, little details such as tannoy calls, conversations overheard that a mind would not conjure.

Throughout all this she hadn’t noticed she had moved on the turbolift and it was on the move. She decided to stop halfway however and find herself a terminal with more public access so she headed to the archives, library, whatever you want to call it.

Tia simply smiled at the clerk on the desk and walked past to find herself sitting at a console awaiting instruction. “Computer, search for The Listener.”

“Name unknown.” the computer chirped quietly in her private booth. After all, one should be quiet in a library.

“Search, Operation Reservoir.”

“Operation Reservoir. Task force/Fleet given the task of forming a defensive line for Dominion troops that may slip through lines. Fleet under the command of Captain Reginald Power of the USS Cavalry. Task force disbanded due to the success of Operation Return.”

Tia scoffed, “What?” she said out loud.

“Would you like me to repeat my previous entry?” the computer asked. This was swiftly followed by a no.

“Search for Tobru, Tiandith. Why was she not in command of the Cavalry?” Tia asked.

“Searching…” her computer spoke before quickly chiming in once more. “Captain Tiandith Tobru, El Aurian and former CO of the USS Sitting Bull.” All this Tia remembered but what came next left her speechless, left her dumbstruck as the computer continued.

“The USS Sitting Bull was part of the fleet entasked with stopping the Borg cube containing the assimilated Captain Picard from reaching Earth. The Sitting Bull was severely damaged and evacuated. Captain Tobru was killed protecting the crew as they used escape pods to flee. Her body was never recovered.`` The recording stopped.

“I’m dead?” Tia spoke with a strangled hesitance. “I… am… dead.” she repeated.

“ERROR!” the computer spat at her.

“I’m sorry?” Tia asked almost politely.

“Bio scans of user conflict with statements given. User of this console matches the genetic makeup of one Captain Tiandith Tobru. Request im—” Tia quickly cut off the console before anything else could happen. She yanked out the power source, the isolinear chips and made way to leave the booth and to Operations. Maybe that Betazoid would have answers for her, she sure hoped he was not some sort of Dominion overseer and she’d just given herself away.

She was supposed to be dead, well here at least. She had wished it many times before, but had it actually come true.

Was this her purgatory?


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