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Second Star To The Right And We Are Still Lost

Posted on Sat Feb 12th, 2022 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant Is'san & Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant Commander Hiro Sommers-Yoshida

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: USS Cerberus - Main Bridge
Timeline: Mission Day -584,948 @ 1500 Hours


While the rest of the senior staff headed for the wardroom, Lillian headed for the Cerberus. The Captain had ordered her to find out where and when exactly they were.

Settling into the Captain's chair, once all the bridge positions had been manned, she started calmly and clearly missing orders. "Seal the airlock and release docking clamps. Let's see what's out there."

The slender Kelpien officer Is'san had gracefully lowered himself into the seat at the conn, his hands already dancing over the controls with practiced ease but his ganglia extended betraying his professional and calm demeanor and showing his inner turmoil and fear at what might be to come. Some even believed that the Kelpien's had a precognitive ability when it came to sensing danger.

"Airlocks are sealed, docking clamps have been released and all moorings are clear Commander!" partly turning in his seat to face Carter while a hand came up reflexively to shield the view of his ganglia from his commanding officer before returning to his control panel.

Ensign Gibbs was seated at the science station ready to run scans and such when needed, he was excited in having this opportunity to serve on the Cerberus bridge. The man with the wiry build, swiveled his chair to see the rest of the bridge. "All ready here Sir." he called out.

"Security is a go," Bobby chimed. He was still surprised he had been put forward for this but it was terribly exciting.

Is'san waiting for Commander Carters order to ease Cerberus out of dock and when the order came he gently eased her away from the spider-like tendrils of the station's upper pylons, swinging her nose around in such a fashion that the majestic yet equally alien station could be seen framed by the gargantuan grey, scarlet and crimson gas giant.
"We are free and clear to navigate Commander!"

A mere moment after Is'san's statement one of the Turbolift doors opened and a petite young Bajoran woman stepped onto the Bridge. It was Ensign Zana Inia, one of the younger officers in the Operations department. She only had graduated from Starfleet Academy last year as an Engineer. She moved to the Engineering station without saying anything. A small smile appeared as she glanced over the numbers and graphs that were displayed. Everything seemed to work as it should.

Bobby did a doubletake. Why did that Bajoran look so familiar. His brain started trying to work it out and then it hit him. Oh lord. He had met her in a bar at the academy and tried to hit on her. Crashed and burned. Well, this was embarrassing.

Is'san's console started to indicate a transmission incoming and by the looks of it, the Captain needed to speak to them.
"Commander, Captain Haistro is hailing!"

Lillian immediately snapped to attention "On screen."

"Commander, we are forwarding on some scan data. We have picked up an unknown vessel at bearing three three seven mark two one five on an intercept course..." the Captains usual confidence faltered slightly "Certain information sources indicate this could be a T'Kon warship" the implication of what he was saying made very clear. "Go to yellow alert and make contact"

"Aye Sir! Take the ship to yellow alert, intercept the unknown vessel and make contact." she said, repeating the orders so as to rule out any confusion."
She called out to the tactical station "You heard the order, take us to yellow alert." Then added to the helm "Lay in an intercept course."

"I have the ship on sensors Commander, proceeding at warp five. Intercept course laid in, eta to intercept in nine minutes".
His fingers paused over the controls waiting for the order to engage.

Carter nodded with satisfaction. "Engage."

"Stay safe Commander" the line remained open for several seconds, just long enough for the klaxons for general quarters to be heard from Ops and the lighting to dim with pulsing crimson light cascading from the top of the image down.

Lilian smiled "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I'll keep you informed Captain. Cerberus out."

Just after the station closed communications, there is a signal coming from the unknown ship.

Gibbs piped up, "There is a communication coming in." When the message is heard.

=^="Approaching ship, state your business. " giving another sniff. "Who are you?" =^= stated the man coming on the viewscreen. He was rail thin, with a hawkish nose. =^= "State your business, why are you here?" =^=

Lillian raised an eyebrow. That's quite a directive she thought to herself as she nodded to indicate to open the channel.

"I'm Commander Lillian Carter of the USS Cerberus, representing the United Federation of Planets. We're on a mission of exploration and we come in peace. And you are?"

There was a flash and a hole appeared in the man in front of them on the view screen. He slumped and some purply looking liquid started flowing from his wound.

"Hes no one yet an over stepper. Get him off my bridge. Him and that ridiculous interface. Get them both off my bridge," the spotted female demanded.

Now you Commander Lillian Carter of the USS Cerberus. You are in T'Kon space. The last time I passed through here there was no station and there has never been a United Federation of Planets. So you better give me a good reason not to shoot you out of existence. Are you trying to declare war on the T'Kon empire?"

To Be Continued....


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