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Situations In Motion - Part 2

Posted on Sun Oct 17th, 2021 @ 7:26am by Commodore Keiben Haistro & Commander Lillian Carter & Admiral David Jackson

793 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Station Operations
Timeline: Mission Day 5 @ 0800 Hours


The group had meandered their way from the wardroom, along the promenade, through some of the key facilities along the way before taking a turbolift up to ops. Lillian was still on duty and called out as the lift came to a stop "Admiral on Deck!"

"As you were," David replied as he stepped down and took stock of the surrounding. "They really did a number on this place when they left didn't they? Lieutenant, what's the tactical situation please, Lieutenant?"

Lillian was still at attention "Carter Sir, and I'm afraid it's not good Admiral. There are only a few torpedoes left and most of the phaser emitters are burnt out. the shield grid is not much to speak of either.

"We'll have to retrofit the weapons systems as we did on DS9.." the admiral mused. "I'll make sure the necessary people and equipment are made available to you Captain."

He turned back to Lillian "Thank you Carter, at ease."

"With that in mind... Would we be able to retain one of the ships as support should we need... Just until we get the station to a point it is able to fend for itself... I'm nervous with the Bachta Niko Cartels being so close!"

Showing the Admiral the regional map on the Ops table at the centre of the imposing cathedral-esque room. "We also have some intel that they are active in this area!"

David thought for a moment. "After seeing this Captain that sounds like a wise precaution. I'm going to leave the Cerberus at your disposal. One of our newest starships. I should warn you, she hasn't had a full shakedown yet. Some of her primary battle systems haven't been tested, including the multi vector assault mode but you should be able to iron out any kinks in her. She's a tough ship, I'm sure you'll make good use of her.

"Sir what of the runabout that Commander Reynolds brought?" Mel asked. "Are they to stay too? The more hands the better right?"

Lillian interjected, "The landing pads are still locked down at this time."

The Admiral thought for a moment "Yes, the runabout can stay and I'll let you make the offer to Commander Reynolds yourself Captain if he wants to return to Starbase 308 or remain here."

"Much appreciated Admiral. I will requisition a few more runabouts as soon as we have communications up and running. I think our primary goal now we have the Cerberus is to set up a network of communications relays to allow us to send and receive communications outside of the Briar Patch... I'll have Lieutenant's Carter and Han coordinate that effort" he paused for a moment looking back towards the Admiral. "Did you say we would likely be receiving a ship repair scaffold?"

"Yes, establishing solid communications is a top priority and you'll be receiving a full dry dock assembly with a full complement of worker bees. You'll be able to set that up independent of the main station."

"Excellent... Tam, you and I have some personnel reviewing to do and Admiral... The USS Yosemite, I know she is a wreck but could we retain her. We will have the resources and manpower to refit the old girl and give her a new lease of life along with getting the Copernicus back on her feet as well!"

A million and one things were tumbling through Keiben's mind but he simply had far too much to be able to think about it all at once.

"I see no problem with that Captain." The Admiral replied.

Tam was happy to hear that they would be allowed to work on the Copernicus as well as the Yosemite. It truly made her feel rather good. "Thank you Admiral." she said.

Tam checked her padd then added, "Lieutenant Carter, I will need to correct you on one thing. The landing pads have been offline however they are coming back online as we speak. "pointing to the indicators. "Our people are working rather hard to get things up and running. Will take sometime but that is all part of the excitement, breathing new life into something like this."

Tam turned to Keiben, "Isn't that right Captain?" smiling.

"Very true Commander... Although I may need life support for these infernal emergency forcefield network generators in the docking ring... or an exorcist!"
Keiben joked having moved around to the science console to see if his last patch job had taken with the software. Sadly it had not.
"OK people, we have work to do. Lieutenant Carter, you have Ops and if you could try and get power to transfer bridges one and three it will make our lives easier in getting the repair work done in the docking ring!"



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