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Posted on Sat Oct 9th, 2021 @ 8:52pm by Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant Commander Hiro Sommers-Yoshida & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Commander Peter Horn & Commander Iy'dan Brell

2,440 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Runabout - Briar Patch
Timeline: Mission Day 4 @ 1730 Hours


Runabout Cockpit

The burnt oranges, sickly yellows and opaque browns of the Briar patch loomed before them, the small runabout coming into view of the dreaded area of space. The craft holding a crew of ragtag officers and civilians bound for other assignments and the like pulled together by fate. Starfleet having given them orders to investigate some unusual readings and a partial distress call from a small science vessel that had been in the area.

"Sensors are not giving me much to go on I'm afraid Commander!" Iy'dan was pushing the grid as much as he could but the interference from the patch was notorious. "We may need to get closer, at the moment all I am reading is the radiation from the metreon clouds."

Melinda leaned over his shoulder, her fragrant long hair almost falling into his face as she studied his readings. "Dangerous as it is, that does look gorgeous doesn't it?" she offered, then pointed at one of the readouts. "Can't you compensate for the radiation?"

"I have as much as I can... We need to be in that soup before the sensors would be remotely effective." The Trill offered his colleague by way of explanation before turning back to Commander Reynolds. "That's as much as I can boost them Liam... Sorry!"

"It's beautiful, alright, but that stuff can play havoc on a ship's engine. You don't want too much of it coming into the Bussard collectors." Hiro added. "And it's very volatile. Normally you don't go in there unless you need to and have a good pilot."

"There's a lot of energy out there for sure. Beautiful but dangerous," Liam added. "How far in do we have to go to get to the station?"

"Commander?" Ly'dan looked around quizzically. "I thought we were here looking for the Yosemite and Copernicus?"

Hiro waited on what Liam would say. He didn't know much about the specific orders Starfleet had given them. Liam knew more and so he was relying on him to tell them what needed to be done and where.

“We are but I got sent intel there's a station too. My guess is if they found it on sensors they would have headed that way,” Liam replied. “Or finding it, might be tied to why they have disappeared. A Klingon friend confirmed the existence of a secret Cardassian station.”

Kaylee looked out towards the Briar Patch, "A secret Cardassian Station? That sounds really interesting. However we hope that they are alright." Then something caught her eye, "Say what is that?" pointing towards what looked like a probe with a signal emitting from it. "That looks like a probe coming from the nebula."

Curious as he was, Hiro accessed the sensor data that was pouring in and looked for the reading Kaylee referred to. "Confirmed. It is a Starfleet class 6 probe. Do you want me to plot an intercept course, Captain?"

"Captain... I'm also picking up readings from what I believe is a black box recorder... The computer confirms the devise is Orion in origin!"

This was starting to get more and more bizarre the closer they came to the Nebula. Orions, Starfleet, Cardassian Stations and a Klingon all thrown into the mix. Was this suddenly becoming to large for a runabout to handle?

“Can you get a lock on it and confirm that?” Liam asked. “And triangulate it's path of origin. Hopefully it can lead us to where one of the ships disappeared.”

Hiro fed a sequence of commands into the computer. Verifying the path of both the black box and the probe was a simple task for the computer and it showed the results as soon as he was done. "Both their paths lead directly into the Briar Patch. We can use the tractor beam to get a hold of the black box."

"And I can probably unlock the contents," Tyrion offered, rubbing his hands in mock excitement.

"I have a fix, energising!"

Iy'dan announced as the small transport alcove light up with the familiar shimmer of phased white energy before the small device materialised on the pad. "There you go Lieutenant!"

Something else had caught Iy'dan eyes now and he was focused on the patterns that seemed to be immerging before him with the aid of the computers data modeller.

"Liam... I'm not sure but I believe there is a rapidly expanding debris field... Composite materials could be from an Orion vessel. I may be able to extrapolate the detonation location... Might give us an idea of where to start?"

Kaylee watched out for anything that might give them trouble, plus looking at what lay before them. She looked back towards where Vincent was at tending to things in the area he had set up for medical. It was strange with how things have come to pass, memories. She and Liam will have to meet up with Brell and Vincent sometime soon and just catch up.

Liam looked at his brother in law. "Yes please get everything you can and Iy'dan make that our starting point. Hiro i don't need to say it but safest route possible. There's somethings strang .........

He lost his train of thought as his minds eye was suddenly filled with a beautiful women ...... He knew immediately it was a goddess energy. His mind went back to his conversation with his mother on SB50 as the woman held his arms out to her. "Help me. Remember me ....."

"Methalina ...." his brain found the name after a minute. "Did anyone else see that?" he asked.

"I didn't see anything sir!" Iy'dan said from the station just behind Liam. "Hiro, I think I have an estimated point of detonation. Bearing seven six seven mark two one five. I would estimate from the fracture and dispersal patters that it happened approximately nineteen hours ago!"

Something else caught his eye. "Some of the debris has a different signature. We have what looked to be an Orion vessel of some kind but also we have fragments from at least one Starfleet vessel!"

Hiro waited before feeding the computer the coordinates that Iy'dan had provided. He looked back at Liam. "See what? I see only the Brair Patch and the debris field from the sensor data." He turned back to face the computer console and put in the coordinates to the debris field. "Course to the debris field laid in."

"Orion .... " Liam said curious. "Jon said they had run into some .. well different orio ......

He suddenly bent forward as he sensed pain. A familiar pain. Coming from a familiar person. One he had had to deal with on a couple of occasions helping .... "Oh by the goddesses Teena's just gone into Labour .... Ty you might want to get to your wife. Good job Vincent's onboard."

Tyrion had just been about to mention that he had seen a female apparition, when he too was hit by a wave of immense pain. "Lyras!" he yelled out as he sped towards the back, "Vincent!"

Lyras stood, but cast the other medic a helpless look. "Do you know how to deliver children?" he asked, "I have never done this before."

Vincent nodded, "I do know how to deliver babies." he didn't go into any details, for right now there was a mother who was going to have more than one baby. "Set up the epidural, need her awake while we do this. At this area." he pointing to the mid back area.

Tyrion hurried to Teena's side, taking her hand. "I am here," he whispered, "you are not alone. I promised you wouldn't ever be alone...What do you need me to do?"

"I don't know. Ive never done this before .... Tyrion there was a woman. She flashed in my mind. She felt like the other goddesses .... I wasn't expecting it. I know we are a little early but ... my water's broke," she said squeezing his hand as another barrage of pain hit.

Tyrion winced. "I saw her too," he told her, allowing her to squeeze his hand. "But I don't know anything about Goddesses, I'm sorry Tee. Are you saying this is some kind of sign?"

"Tyrion, I need you to be her support pillow so to speak. Her head cradled upon your chest and you holding onto her hand. Easier delivery when she is held that way. With her being in a semi upright position it will make things a bit easier for the delivery. Once you administer that epidural get some pillows and place them behind her back to help both her and Tyrion."

He noted that several were having sympathetic contraction pains. Those who were telepathic and empathically inclined. The epidural would help all that were feeling this.

Tyrion nodded as he squirmed himself into place, gently pulling Teena back to lean against him

Kaylee wasn't anticipating the full extent of emotions and also the vision of the goddess that she had seen in mind. She barely kept herself upright with all of this happening at once.

Vincent looked up towards Niska, "Grab me some blanket please." setting up an arm monitor to keep track of Teena's vitals as well as the babies.

Tyrion seemed to forget all those around him as he focused solely on his wife. He did hope that perhaps Melinda was keeping Danya occupied, or at least sufficiently distracted.

Lyras on his part cast the Human medic a grateful look. "No better time to learn than the present, right?" he muttered as he busied himself setting up the epidural. This was something he did know how to do, as he had learned such at Starfleet Medical. "This may hurt," he said apologetically as he applied the numbing agent.

The contractions can be felt but the pain is diminished, to ease the discomfort of the labor.

"Liam, we have a transmission coming in... Its an a Cardassian frequency" the puzzlement in Iy'dan voice ringing through but the Trill couldn't figure out why he was thus. So far everything about this trip had been coming at him left field. "Patching it through now".

"This is Lieutenant Carter of the Federation Starship Copernicus to the Federation Runabout. We are currently located on the abandoned Cardassian Space station. Do you read me?"

"Copernicus we read you. This is Commander Reynolds. We have been despatched to try find out what happened to you and the Yosemite. Can you transmit coordinates?"

“Acknowledged Commander. I’m sending you our coordinates. You’re about 10 minutes out. All the landing pads are locked down at the moment I’ll have an engineering team meet you at one of the upper docking pylons.”

"Receiving. We are on route," Liam replied back.

"Sorry doc, Teena. Hiro try make the ride as smooth as you can," Liam said wincing as another contraction hit him.

Hiro kept his post during the eruption of momentary chaos on the ship. Almost everyone was now in one way or another busy with the delivery of the babies. He decided to bring the Runabout to a halt. It really wasn't wise to go ahead into the unknown while Teena was giving birth. "You sure that's wise?" Hiro wondered out aloud. "Captain?" he added after a second.

"I think it maybe better for us all for Hiro to stop where we are at. I'm having a bit of a difficult time in concentrating, love." feeling perspiration rise to her face and going to her knees. "Oh gosh is this a prequel to what I'm going to be feeling when sometime we decide to have children?" Kaylee groaned out.

"Why don't you all go aft. I can bring the runabout in to the... Cardassian Station!"
Iy'dan was on his feet ready to slip into the pilots seat while the rest went aft.

"Unfortunately," Liam said. "Our mission takes priority. We are Starfleet our mission always takes priority. Teena is strong and she's going to be okay. The people on that station we have no idea about. And sweetheart yes but rest assured I will experience it with you," he said to Kaylee.

"Oh that is going to be just so much fun." Kaylee quipped. "And rather interesting." as she finally was able to stand up straight.

Aft Compartment

"Teena I need you to concentrate and push when I tell you, also keep breathing." Vincent told the mother to be.

Vincent on other hand lost track of time, just making certain that the babies were delivered healthy. When each child was born he had them wrapped up in a blanket handing them to whomever's arms were ready to receive them. Finally it was over, three babies delivered, two boys one girl. He looked up towards those there, sweat upon his brow, "I hope you don't mind having an adopted uncle or uncles for these beautiful children." then he turned to take care of the rest of the details and making a place for Teena to rest after giving birth.

Teena smiled exhausted. “Some adopted uncles would be very welcome. Dayna sweetheart come meet your siblings,” she looked around for her other daughter.

Danya had already slithered up, the moment the babies were born, though she'd kept a very slight distance as if afraid to come closer. Now that she was called upon, she crept closer, studying the face of the infant in her mother's arms. "What are you calling them?" she asked softly, while reading to touch the baby's cheek.

“Tyrion what do you think for names. Would Mela be agreeable for our daughter. After the new goddess,” she asked. Eyes brightening. She did believe it was a sign or blessing.

Tyrion nodded, looking at his wife and then at the two infants in his own arms now that he had moved to sit beside her. "That seems fitting," he agreed, sensing her happiness with great ease. "What about Aion and Alviss for the boys?" he then suggested, "they are mythical figures as well..but from Earth."

"What do you think Danya?" the blond asked the other child not wanting her to feel left out in anyway now the babies were here. "Are all the names acceptable to you? I like them but it needs a big sister sign off."

The little girl beamed at her parents, before peering down at the newborns. "Oh I like them," she smiled. "Who's the oldest of them? Can I hold one? Please?"

I believe it was Aion," Teena said. "And yes of course you can. You need to bond with them as much as me and your father right now my darling."



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