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Concerning News

Posted on Sun Jul 11th, 2021 @ 5:54am by Commodore Keiben Haistro

1,366 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: Current


After her visit with Horn,Tamaska had to take a breath the discoveries she and Peter had found were disconcerting. Tapping on her commbadge, she said "Captain, I need to speak with you. What is your location?" trying to get her heartrate down to normal. She could feel some fear start to rise and she wanted to squash it down.

"I'm down in science lab two" came the prompt reply. "Whats up Number One?"

"I'll tell you in person. Its very important."

Tamaska arrived at Science lab 2, "Keiben, I had a talk with Peter and part of it came out that he has nanites in his system, from his parents. I found out that his parents used to be borg. And now those creatures that we found, they probably have a sample of his blood. And who knows what will happen." Tamaska blurting out the news.

"Ah" was all Keiben said after a moments pause. "That could prove problematic Either the borg will assimilate those creatures or could the machine and the creatures somehow use the nanites to their own advantage... I wouldn't put anything past T'Kon technology!"

"Same here, and there is also something else I am wondering about. Horn had mentioned that he got his nanites from his parents, I am also now concerned about his children, and Horn is also. I ended up asking the question of whether his nanites had been passed down to his children, and would that be something to be concerned about as well." the XO remarked. "Has that question been answered or even brought up?"

"My understanding of Borg Tec is that it would have been at work immediately... All the same perhaps we should have a discussion with Commander Horn about running some discreet tests on his children if he agree's... I'm more concerned about what is going on back on that planet. We may need to send a report to Starfleet and have another ship sent to investigate... I will convince them to send someone else!"
Keiben wanted to smile but the news was disturbing him more than he was willing to admit.

"I agree, and I do believe he'd want to know, but to make it official we will need his permission." Tamaska turned and leaned her back against the wall. "And with our information we'd given to StarFleet, they will at least be more informed than what we had been. I am sure that it won't be too difficult and too much arm twisting to get them to send an investigative ship to have a look."

"I'll contact Admiral Richards with my report shortly". Keiben started to look back at the events on the planet, the hellish nightmare that he wished had just been a night terror rather than the reality it had been. Too many deaths, too many injured and something had been done to his fiancée that they had yet to fully understand.
"Could we have done anything different Tam?"

"I do not know if we could have done so. We didn't know what to expect when we went to explore. That is the whole premise of exploration to face the unknown, seek out knowledge and gain answers. This also includes things that are terrifying. I am thankful that we got away, we now have information that can keep others safe and it it sad we lost Yelena. She knew the risks and so did we. Sorry if that sounds cold and harsh but it is the fact of the matter." Tam said. "We do still have other questions to be answered but like what you said they maybe sending a different ship with more crew to deal with that."

"We've been through enough Tam" Keiben could easily see where she was going. Was it right sending another crew in unprepared. The Copernicus crew knew the lay of the land and what they may be facing... on the other hand how much could one crew take in so short a time. They needed a break, some down time, some time to grieve and come to terms with what had happened. "I will send a complete mission and ships log to the Admiral as well... At least if they do send someone else in they will have what little information we could glean!"

"Exactly." Tam replied, "I don't really want to go back there at this time. We just are not ready for that onslaught of memories. Too much has happened in such a small amount of time. I do marvel though that we're still alive, breathing, and not in a padded cell right now." flashing a smile.

"After what we've all been through... some more than others" his thoughts turning to Commander Horn and Ensign Olowe. "I don't know, a padded room with a view sounds very appealing at the moment!"

"Yes it does, right now, but then you'd probably need to have a partner in the padded cell, would make for some interesting ideas." Tam wagging her eyes up and down. Her shoulders unstiffened, feeling some of the tensions drifting off. "About Horn and Olowe, something else has just popped into my mind. Nanites the ones running through Horn's system. With both Olowe and our counselor having lost limbs, I am wondering about something. Nanites are able to repair things, why not talk to Mel, and see if maybe we can create a new hand for Peter and also an arm for her. I do recall there was a limited form of cloning for Worf where his spine was recreated. Why not we do something like that, but for a missing limb. Mel's got the smarts to figure out and using the nanites, the missing pieces of the body would, and could be replaced. This in turn may help out our injured crew members."

"I've spoken to Olowe and she's opted to go for a synthetic limb but as for Commander Horn... Tam I'm not sure if we have a problem brewing there. I know he's been through a great deal but he's not pulling himself to a point where he can at least begin to deal with what's happened. I'm worried about his boy as well... If Peter doesn't pull himself free and soon then we may need to drop him off at a dedicated facility!"

Perhaps he was over stepping but on a small ship such as Copernicus they couldn't have the one man directed to care for crews mental health being the one suffering. It would implode his credibility with the crew on many levels.

"I can certainly understand the concern you have, Keiben, He does need to pull himself together. We just need to figure out just how it can be accomplished. I don't want to put him in a facility, Peter did say he was concerned about his boy and maybe I need to talk to his son. Well maybe convince Peter to talk to his family. Peter feels ashamed about the loss of his hand, he feels violated, and sheer fear of maybe being seen as a monster by his children. I can talk to Peter again. And get some hard facts planted in his brain, His children do need him."

"I will find a moment to have a frank and open conversation with him... I think he would appreciate that more than anything else... As for his son. I seem to have started to build a friendship with the lad, after a fashion. He blames me for the injury his father sustained..."
Keibens thoughts wandered slightly as he considered the boy and his feelings towards the him. "If you could have a word with the lad once we are away from the rescue mission... Which reminds me, we should be arriving shortly. I had best get myself to the bridge and check on our newest Command Level Officer!"

"New officer that is fantastic. I will see you later then" Tamaska giving a wave then realizing she needed to head out herself and followed Keiben out soon afterwards.

Keiben nodded his farewell to Tam knowing he would likely see her on the bridge shortly and departed post haste.



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