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Planet 1: Lethe - Away Team

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 1:54am by Lieutenant JG Abrasax & Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Hiro Sommers-Yoshida & Lieutenant JG Alena Alessa & Ensign L'johk Adams & Lieutenant JG Mirez & Lieutenant JG Lyras

1,737 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Palingenesis
Location: USS Copernicus - Waverider Launch Lounge, Planet Lethe


Before leaving the Bridge Lieutenant Abrasax called for Reynolds, Alessa, Adams, Mirez and Lyras to join the away team in the Waverider Launch Lounge after listening to the suggestions made and those who 'volunteered'. He was a little concerned about the USS Earhart but he decided to trust his team that they will be able to handle it.

He entered the Launch Lounge with the standard away team gear after gathering it all from an equipment locker on the way. He thought it was a good idea to use the Waverider, USS Earhart, as he thought further on it a normal shuttle didn't have all they needed.

Lyras checked his medical kit while he waited to board the USS Earhart. He was glad to be coming, but nervous all the same. His last excursion hadn't gone so well and he still felt he was not to his full health. Even so, with the telepathic pull he felt, wasn't going to be left aboard the ship. The Vulcan hybrid took a deep breath, closed his kit and straightened, waiting for the others.

Mirez entered the Launch Lounge with her trusty Engineering kit. This was not her first time on a Away Team, but it had been a long time since her last time. So she was excited and ready to go. “Doctor, you’re also on the team?” she asked when she saw Lyras.

"Obviously," the young hybrid deadpanned, "excited to go?" Her excitement was easy to sense but he couldn't be sure it was this mission she was excited for, it could be a number of reasons.

“Oh yes.” Mirez said enthusiastically. “Imagine all the things we can learn.” And in a true Benzite spirit she added, “I’ll do my best to make this mission a success and I’ll succeed splendidly”

"Lieutenants, let's prep while we wait for everyone." Abrasax said as he headed towards the Waverider's Launch Lounge.

"I am ready," Lyras reported, not quite certain what more preparation they needed. He followed the science chief towards the Waverider, studying the specialized craft. "What is so special about this shuttle?" He wondered out loud.

Mirez looked at the different consoles she passed. “It certainly has an efficient design.”


The slumber had lasted longer this time, eons longer, she was groggy and a deep primal hunger seemed to permeate her entire being.
Her slumber had been interrupted, something close with many on board. Prey!

USS Earhart, Waverider Shuttle

"Its a science yacht," Abrasax said as he took one of the non-pilot stations to prep for departure. "There's a science lab in the rear, like the Danube-class science module, though the Waverider isn't modular sadly. It would be good if it did, maybe that's something we could look into when we get back to the station." He became excited about that idea so much that he switched to accessing the designs of the Danube-class in the distraction of putting the idea into practice.

"Does it have a medical section?" He asked curiously as he glanced back towards the indicated area. He claimed a nearby seat, securing himself in place, just in case.

"I believe it has a small medical bay." Abrasax replied with a smile. "It doubles as a small science lab and transporter nook as well while we could repurpose the common area for whatever we need in a pinch according to the manual I managed to read."

It wasn’t difficult to find the Engineering console. After a minute Mirez determined the warp engine, and the shuttle as a whole, was in good shape. “Technically everything is in order.”

Abrasax smiled. They had walked into the cockpit and were at the various stations during their conversation. "Excellent, so we are still waiting on Ensign Adams, Lieutenant Alessa and Commander Reynolds?" He asked looking around wondering where they were.

"Perhaps they are delayed," Lyras suggested. "I am going to inspect the medical bay. Call me if I am needed here."

"I'm here", Alena announced as she entered the cockpit. She was a bit nervous, but she was sort of excited too. She had never been on an away team before. However, the headaches wouldn't get any better. If anything, they would get worse, as they would likely approach whatever caused them.

"While we wait, I have a question", Alena said. She badly wanted to know what other people thought of the inscription on the back of her angel pendant. "What do you make of this engraving?", she asked as she removed the pendant from its chain. "I haven't seen it anywhere else. And I've been hitting the books at every break I've had. Nothing".

"Very well, let me know if we need any supplies Lyras." Abrasax replied to the medical officer before he turned to Alena and looked at the counselor's necklace. "Oh apologies Ensign, that's a pretty pendant. Where did you get it?" He asked.

"I don't know how i got it. But one day when I was looking for a book on one of my shelves, it fell out when I pulled out the book. Before that, I've never seen it", Alena said.

Then she decided to voice what was bugging her. "When i asked about the pendant, Ma told me that my father called me "little angel" when i was an infant. I asked about him and whether he was Betazoid. She dropped the bombshell on me that I'm not half betazoid/half human. She is. I've tried talking to her on multiple occasions, but she keeps evading my questions. So I'm standing with a ton of questions and next to no answers", Alena said to the people around her.

"I'm here. Sorry I just had to get a shot. Headache" the brown-haired Half betaziod said. He was looking a little sweaty and hoped this shuttle got moving pretty quickly. The clock was ticking.


Closer they came, more than a few had the touch as she and her sisters had called it.

Her sisters!

The errant thought caught her of Cisthene, a beautiful coastal area of the ancient lands, close to Aeolis. Her sister had sequestered herself away having found she to be mortal yet one of the primitive men of that world had slain her. It had taken many millennia for Euryale to qwell her rage but it still stunk her to the centre of her heart at the thought.

Still something about the beings now bound for her word were familiar, like a passing daydream.
'Just a little closer'

USS Earhart, Waverider Shuttle

Lyras made his way to the medical section though his keen hearing still picked up on the conversation in the front. "Has no medical team ever performed in-depth scans?" He queried curiously. "Surely, DNA analysis would turn up something regarding your genetics?" He paused, feeling a touch of shame and anxiety even though he knew he didn't need to. "I did for me, in this century. It told me I was always lied to, that I am not full Vulcan".

"I did get tests done. But I suspect that the other woman in my life, Mrs. Anderson, might be the reason for the tests to come back as half betazoid/half human. I asked my Ma about it, and she said that she was the one with that blood in her veins. She has no clue as to what my father is. Before entering the Academy, I lived in a pretty secluded area. Next to no electronics that is found all over the universe by now", Alena said slowly. "For as long as I can remember, I've lived in the States. Every time I was going for a health check, Mrs. Anderson accompanied me. I don't know whether she knew thing I didn't back then. Part of me, the part that has talked a lot with my Ma, which has gotten next to no answers whatsoever, thinks that Mrs. Anderson was... well, guarding me, for some reason. I have no better explanation", Alena admitted.

Mirez moved to where Abrasax and Alena were. She looked at the pendant with curious eyes and a frown crossed her face when she started to think, in so far you could called it a frown because it was hardly visible to Humans. “I can honestly say I have never seen it. But it is beautiful.”

Liam took the opportunity while they were all peering at the trinket to walk out of the room away from prying eyes. He could feel he was beginning to change and needed off this shuttle now. His mission was nearly over. Quickly he liquefied and his mass slipped through systems heading towards the transporter.

“Is everyone of the Away Team present?” Mirez asked Abrasax. “The shuttle is ready to go whenever you give the order.”

The Denobulan/Antaran glanced around, he did notice that Lieutenant Commander Reynolds was no longer present. "Seems we are missing a Commander Reynolds," Abrasax said to Mirez as he frowned a moment later. "Abrasax to Reynolds?" He called using the Earhart's internal comms.

There seemed to be no response. He tapped his combadge. "Earhart Launch Lounge to Bridge, we are ready to go, permission to depart? Also Lieutenant Commander Reynolds is not responding to comms, and they aren't present here just to let you know." Abrasax asked via comm to 'Captain' Sommers-Yoshida.

[“Permission granted Earhart”. Good luck, Lieutenant.] There was a pauze and a few voices could be heard in the background. [“As for ‘Commander Reynolds, we read his life sign on the Copernicus. He must have a good reason to get off the shuttle. We’ll ask him and see what he says.”]

The changeling now in liquid form listening from the ceiling vents chuckled. ~That had been all too easy~

He better! Abrasax thought annoyed, "Confirmed, launching, check-in will be in 4 hours," he replied and nodded to others as he detached the Earhart from the underside of the saucer after a quick preflight check and the waverider was free and made her way to Lethe.

Lieutenant Commander Hiro Sommers-Yoshida
Commanding USS Copernicus

Lieutenant JG Abrasax
Executive Officer, USS Copernicus
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Lyra's
Chief medical officer
USS Copernicus

Lieutenant JG Alena Alessa
Chief Diplomat and Chief Counselor
Starbase 21


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