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Send in the Cavalry

Posted on Sun Oct 3rd, 2021 @ 7:45pm by Admiral David Jackson & Commodore Keiben Haistro

344 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Starbase 308
Timeline: Mission Day 4 @ 1700 Hours


Admiral David Jackson was sat at his desk watching the chronometer. It had been over 18 hours since the runabout had been dispatched to investigate a distress call. He didn't like it one bit. Something was wrong he could smell it.

His door chime sounded and he called out immediately. "Come!"

A young lieutenant came in looking worried. "Sir there has been no further communication from the Runabout but long-range sensors intercepted picked up some unusual activity in the vicinity of the Briar patch. He said, handing him a PADD.

David took it and scanned it quickly with a seasoned eye. He suddenly frowned "Wait... it says here the USS Copernicus also responded to the distress call. Has there been any communication from her?"

The lieutenant shook his head. "No sir but....." He hesitated "we picked up some kind of transmission... it's hard to tell what it was. It was very badly garbled. As you know, communication in and out of the Briar patch is close to impossible. We picked up a massive energy discharge that we believe was..... Weapons fire."

David placed the PADD on the table. "How many ships do we have ready?"

The lieutenant's eyes went wide. "Ready to launch?" He had to think for a moment. "Well, there's the Princeton, and the Missouri that just finished maintenance and the Cerberus...."

The Admiral stood, determined. "Good. We launch in 1 hour."

The Lieutenant started to protest "Sir the Cerberus hasn't finished its shakedown and she's got less than a skeleton crew on board.

"We may need her firepower." the admiral said. "She'll have to do. I'm personally taking command of the Cerberus.

This caused the Lieutenant to raise an eyebrow. "You are sir?" he asked surprised.

He shot him a look. "You have a problem with that?"

The other officer came quickly to attention, knowing better than to question a senior Admiral. " No Sir!"

David nodded. "Good. Tell the Captains of the Princeton and Missouri to be ready to depart in 1 hour."

"Yes Sir!"


Admiral David Jackson
Starfleet Command
NPC Carter


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