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Nightmare - Endless Hallways

Posted on Sun Sep 19th, 2021 @ 7:56pm by Commander Lillian Carter & Lieutenant Commander Junjie Han

879 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: ???...???...???
Timeline: Mission Day 4 @ 1700 Hours


Traveling further on down the corridor from what it was figured would lead to the turbolift, Agapov was nervous about this whole situation. Her sister was seeming to be afraid of something, whimpering and grabbing hold of her arm as they moved along. Damyan her brother was acting like a skittish cat on a hot tin roof.

Just then Damyan let out a scream and took off down the corridor, "Run.. run, dad, mom run!!" Luiza followed after him, screaming as well. "Don't leave me Damyan, don't leave me!!" tears running down her cheeks.

"Lieutenant Han, something seems to be wrong with my siblings!" Agapov shouted as she raced after her siblings.

" Dammit!! " Junjie cursed under his breath. " Catch them before they hurt themselves or get lost! " He sighed and took off running after them. " Well, so much for stealth. If we were being watched, they surely know where we're at now. " He looked about for any hostile that may have appeared. Petty Officer Agapov ! don't lose sight of your siblings!! Ensign Teach! Keep your eyes peeled for any hostiles and report any sighting!! "

" Aye Sir!! " Came Teach's response. His head on a swivel and keeping track of the two teenagers, His phaser now in hand in case it was needed.

A scream could be heard, shouting as well followed by laughter, maniacal laughter at that but coming from the opposite direction that the siblings had gone. It seemed to be echoing down the corridors like the sound one would associate with a haunted house, something that would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
Heavy footfalls could be heard just around the corner and ramblings from a female voice... or was it two. Another scream, piercing, filled with terror before silence once again fell over the area.

Meanwhile, in the turbolift Lillian was trying to calm Jelanie but not having much success. "Whatever that thing was, it's not real. Trust me."

Jelanie was beyond hearing her as the turbolift came to a halt and the doors started to open, she grabbed a jagged piece of metal from the floor and before Lillian could stop her, sliced her own throat open.

"Jelanie! NO!" Lillian quickly grabbed her as she fell to the ground, trying to stop the bleeding. She could already tell that this was hopeless.

The sight the others saw as the rounded the corner was chilling. Slick with blood that was still warm as it spilled from the neck wound on Jelanie's throat, a jagged shard of metal still clutched in her hand and Lillian Carter kneeling by her side, her hands clasped around the throat trying to stem the flow of the blood... but the life had already left the African women's eyes, she had taken her last breath.

Junjie came around the corner with phaser in hand, He surveyed the scene. He looked about to see if there was any danger still present. What has happened here? " He asked. Looking down at Jelanie's still form, he felt sorrow tug at his heart for the loss of a good shipmate. " She's gone Lillian. Come on, it's not safe to stay here alone. We need to regroup with the others and then we'll come back to get her when we have safety in numbers. " He gently took her arm to help her up.

Eventually, Lillian nodded and accepted Junjie hand, still reluctant to leave Jelanie's body. " Something on this station is manifesting our fears." she uttered in a quiet voice. "It must be some kind of holographic projection. We should try and get to operations."

" No. Not operations as of yet." Junjie said watching his shaken companion. " We detected a group of other ship personal near medical. We'll regroup with them first and then head for operations." He looked down at the body of Jelanie and reholstered his phaser. He then picked up her still form and looked to Lillian. " I don't like the idea of leaving her behind either. We'll bring her along to Medical and place her in a stasis field. Come on, lets go. " He said softly.

Agapov and Teach were able to catch up to the teen twin siblings, Luiza and Damyan on the floor sobbing and holding onto each other. "They're dead, they're dead and so is Sis! We're alone!! What are we going to do!"

Agapov's chest tightened hearing the sobs of her younger siblings. "Luiza, Damyan I am here, I am here!" kneeling down next to them, and reaching out to embrace them.

"Get away, you are dead!" Damyan screamed out. "don't touch me!"

Agapov looked up at Teach, with tears in her eyes. A silent plea for help.

Teach looked upon the twins huddled and crying on the floor, his visage darkened and he growled at Damyan. " Why you lily livered little...... Are ye Daft? Your sister is standing right here in front of you! Five minutes ago you were wanting a phaser and ready to fight. " He scowled at them. Now you're laying here crying like a kitten wanting it's milk. Get off yer Bloody ARSE and show me some backbone!! Are you worthless and weak? Or are ye a Man? Now get the Bloody Hell up before I keelhaul you!! "



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