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[Back Post] Untapped Talent

Posted on Sun Sep 12th, 2021 @ 9:14am by Commodore Keiben Haistro & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Lieutenant JG Anek Tua

1,531 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Captains Ready Room - USS Andromeda


It had been a slow day thus far for Xu. The bridge of the Andromeda was silent with just a few officers and crew manning stations and the Captain sitting in his chair looking almost as bored as she was. The joys of this kind of mission meant that operations was not really a requirement to support the ship in need, every other department however had plenty to do from repair works, helping out with medical, analysing the scientific data. The list was almost endless. Perhaps now was the time to speak to him about one of her best and brightest Officers.

"Captain... Would I be able to steal a moment of your time please?" she had turned in her chair to face him expectantly knowing that the opportunity she had found for Ensign Tua was ideal for him.

Jon had been feeling his eyes closing, having to keep forcing them open. The bridge was quiet. Far too quiet.

"You know what Lieutenant I feel its time for a caffeine break. Join me in my ready room,"

"Aye sir" the slight Asian said, signalling for her relief which just happened to be the person she wanted to speak to the Captain about.
"Nothing to report Ensign, just keep an eye on the store for me if you could!" she asked of the young freshface Trill.

Stepping away from the Mission Operations workstation, Ensign Anek Tua nodded crisply, "I would be happy to assist." He approached the vacated workstation, tugging on his uniform tunic as he approached. The symbiont inside his stomach busily making teasing remarks urging him not to accidentally shut down the Andromeda in the interim.

Xu followed Reynolds into the ready room, not sure how to broach this subject with him, never having been in this position before.

Jon could sense she was working up to asking something as he replicated a french press of Andorian coffee and some cream. The smell was enough to "So what's on your mind Lieutenant?"

"Ensign Tua sir... the young Trill Officer in my department... Sir, he is wasted as a junior officer. He's bright, intelligent, quick thinking... he really knows his stuff, more so than I do", she stopped herself sounding almost as if she wanted him gone because he was better at the job than she so she came at it from another angle.

"Sir, I notice the Copernicus still needs a Chief operations Officer... Its a small ship, perfect for a young officer to hone his skills... I'm recommending him for the position, if you agree and if he agree's and if Captain Hasbro agrees... Hasbro, Haistro... whatever he's called!"

"Ah you want me to put a good word in," Jon said with a slight grin. "Can you cope with loosing an officer as we are straight to Villanea after this. There won't be any further new staff for a while."

"Yes sir, we should manage. I just feel he deserves a chance... If he is interested!"
Xu was wanting this for the young man. He was more than capable but she hoped he was ready to be put into a position of authority with no apron strings.

“I’ll have a discreet word, ” he agreed. “It will be a bit of a shock the different size of the ship having been used to being here I guess but if he's for it and Captain Haistro agrees then it would be a great opportunity.”

"He is on the bridge now sir if you wanted... I could relieve him and send him in?" Xu asked offering an impish smile and a twinkle in her eye.

“Well I think I need that conversation with the Captain first, before getting the guys hopes up,” Jon said. “It’s not my decision to make.”

"Yes sir... Sorry, getting a head of myself!" she returned, which she knew she was getting ahead of herself.

“Keep quiet, ” Jon said with a smile. “Computer establish a communications link with Captain Haistro on the Corpernicus.”

"Captain Reynolds... what can I do for you?" came the prompt reply from Captain Haistro on the Copernicus.

“Captain, I have a proposition for you to consider, ” Jon told the other man.

"Oh, do tell!" he joked as he made himself comfortable in his chair behind a desk that must have been the ready room.

"I hear that you need an Ops chief and I may have the perfect candidate for you. I'm sending you a personal file. I know he's young but he's got great potential. He's bright, intelligent, quick thinking... he really knows his stuff," Jon echoed Xu's words earlier.

"Captain at this point I need an Ops Chief more than you could know... I trust your judgement. I will read over the file but I'm going to say send him over"

Keiben started pressing a few buttons on the console to the side of his desk, most likely calling the file up on a different monitor for him to review.

Well that was easy Jon thought sharing a look with Xu who looked rather ecstatic actually. "Right then I will. Let me go break it to him in person and you will have you new ops chief soon enough."

"Thank you Captain. Copernicus out!" and just as quickly the line went dead.

"Not big on chatting Captain Haistro," Jon shrugged at the sudden end of communication. "Okay you want to bring him in now Lieutenant? We can give him the news."

"He did seem a touch abrupt!" Xu said with a slightly disgruntled look on her face before she recovered. "I will send him in sir... Thank you!"

She stood and moved from the office, the doors closing behind her. Moments later the chime sounded again.

“Come, ”Jon said. He could sense the ops guys confusion and slight nervousness. He had no idea why he was here.

Anek Tua stepped through the doors and into the Captain's Ready Room of the Andromeda. He was excited to have the opportunity to speak with the Captain, but he was a little unnerved to be meeting behind the closed doors. Had he been selected for a special mission? It had to be that. He had not been reprimanded, he had not been in any trouble that he had known of in fact. He wondered what it could be.

"Anek Tua, reporting as ordered."

Jon could sense how nervous and excited at the same time he was. He decided to have a little fun. "Lieutenant. Lieutenant Lau has been telling me things about you and I am displeased."

Tua looked at the Captain in surprise, not exactly knowing what to say. Ever since the joining his life had been going on a downward spiral and now this, whatever this was. He wanted to speak, to defend himself, to question what was going on; no words came. He felt withdrawn, beaten, like the galaxy had finally won the war. The damned slug inside of him was probably going to rise from his slumber with some ominous, annoying taunt no doubt after this.

"I have had to agree with her and negotiate you a new job off my ship. You can no longer work onboard the Andromeda I am afraid," Jon told him his face deathly serious.

Time seemed to stop. What had he done? He had only been on the ship a short while since the joining and, so far, no one had issued any concerns about his performance to his knowledge. The Captain was serious, the visage of sternness, and the Symbiont couldn't help because it was no more than a child. He finally croaked out a questioning, "Sir?"

“I’m serious Lieutenant. A chief ops position came up. I suggested you for it and Captain Haistro agrees he wants you in it. So you need to vacate my ship,” Jon said keeping his face poker straight.

The announcement rang in his ears, echoing throughout his head. Had he heard correctly? Was he really destined for a position on another vessel? He had been lower decks for a while, he actually like it, but something inside him always was interested in moving on. He had always been a dreamer, fighting for the future. That was one of the reasons he was so intent on being joined, but that had been a challenge in and of itself. He had hoped to be bonded with a wide, elder Symbiont and instead he got a precocious child.

"I will accept, Captain, but only if it is not an imposition for you."

"Quite," Jon said still in character.

The Captain stood up and walked round in front of him. Holding his hand out towards him he finally broke his persona. "Go make me proud. And know I will be keeping tabs on you. I like to hear of my prior officers making a success of themselves and I know you will do that in this role."

"Thank you, Captain, I will not let you down," he said shaking the Captain's hand in response. He was genuinely looking forward to this assignment. He only hoped that Tua was cooperative.



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