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Medical Minds

Posted on Wed Jun 2nd, 2021 @ 11:02am by Lieutenant JG T'Sehn & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro

1,464 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Deck 4 - Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 1 @ 09:15 Hours


So far the day had been what one would expect, filled with emotional beings, one having been the Captains brother. Someone will a high level of joviality... something that had been a source of frustration to the Vulcan Medical Officer during their stint on the Akira Class vessel that had transported them to the Copernicus. T'Sehn had also noticed many signs of ship wide stress and damage during his brief jaunt through the halls from the transporter room, over to the mess hall and then down to Sickbay. He couldn't understand why Captain Dryton had not stayed with Copernicus to offer some help. Perhaps orders from Command prevented this.

As for Copernicus itself, it was a small ship, not easy to get lost or turned around and in short order he had found his way to the Sickbay. A small three bed room, one of which being the surgical bed and the Medical Chief's office separated from the main bay by a full length curved glass panel.

He could see someone in the medical lab beyond, a slender elegant women with long flowing locks but in the main bay was a young blond Human male with a very striking characteristic, that being otapostasis, or bat ears. A Human characteristic that meant the ears stuck out like paddles.
"Good afternoon. I am T'Sehn. Please could you direct to to the Chief Medical Officer?"

The EMH unfazed indicated to the medical lab. "Thats Chief D'BrooNi over in the lab. I will go fetch her," he said simply then disappeared and reappeared in front of the bewildered Trill.

"Please stop doing that," she said tiredly. Whoever had programmed this EMH clearly liked having it make people jump. "Next time just walk Russ."

"There is a T'Sehn here to see you Doctor D'BrooNi," he indicated the male vulcan.

Mels face brightened. "Brilliant. Our new head nurse. Another pair of hands Russ. And no .... " she pointed back and forth between them, "With him either. Sickbays too small that you need to use every holo projector all the time."

"Hi," the Trill said walking out a bounce in her step now. "I am very happy you are here. Melanie D'BrooNi, Chief medical officer."

"Lieutenant T'Sehn" he offered displaying the customary Vulcan greeting once more with the splayed fingers. "If it would of help Doctor, I am fully versed with computer programming and algorithm alteration... If it would be of service I could alter the EMH's subroutines?"

"Oh that's very sweet but I have grumpy chief engineer I can ask a favour there and to be honest its a nice excuse to get him back up here. I told him to watch his diet," she said seriously. "I don't think it was what he was hoping to hear."

"Where are you from Lieutenant? Or do you prefer T'Sehn? Im happy for you to call me Mel if you like," she said.

"Either is acceptable Doctor" he said, feeling that using her first name would be and sound to awkward. He preferred the formality when addressing his superiors. "I am native of Vulcan from the city of Vulcana Regar. I was assigned to Starfleet Medical directly out of the Academy. Command believed it to be logical step for me to experience some ship side service!"

His hands still clasped behind his back, his posture rigid even if his words came across as conversational... or to him at least. His time with Starfleet had forced him to relax his stance knowing that most were emotional beings within Starfleet.

Mel had worked with many a Vulcan and Vulcanoid before and knew to expect the looking like someone was pulling them up with a tight elastic band look. "Well we are not your biggest ship but I'm sure your going to get plenty of experience. So its you, me and Russ here. And we have 2 nurses. I'm actually trying to source another doctor but its taking time I'm afraid."

"I would be ill equipped to offer any suggestions in this regard Lieutenant!"

The rank being more of an observation than a statement. Had he not read on the transfer orders that Doctor D'BrooNi was recently promoted to Lieutenant Commander? Was this a clerical error on the part of Starfleet Command?

"If I may Doctor, I was under the impression you had recently been promoted to Lieutenant Commander!"

"I did not accept that promotion," Mel said simply. "So its still Lieutenant."

"Fascinating. Starfleet records have you listed as the aforementioned declined rank... Should I endeavour to correct the error?"

Needing to make himself useful in some area made him offer as despite the damage to the Copernicus he could also see that Sickbay was devoid of casualties other than a Human woman and another Vulcanoid.

“Yes please,” Mel said crisply. She wondered if Keiben was doing it on purpose determined to make her accept that dam pip. “I would rather you called me doctor anyway,” she added.

"Yes.. Doctor!" the word almost sounding alien to him as he used the designation for the first time. "I will make contact with Starfleet post haste!"

"Thank you," she said clipping a lock of auburn hair back behind her ear. "So to bring you up to date the last mission we had one death and two people lost a limb. Both Commander Horn and Ensign Olowe are still trying to get used to living with this. I also had a strange encounter on the planet in the T'Kon base. The being that injured them acted very differently with me and I'm trying to work out some answers but all I have is a sample of some of their DNA. It smeared me with black sludge."

"Fascinating!" the Vulcan cocked a eyebrow up the most you'd likely get from him even though his interest was more than intrigued. "Have you begun a full biological analysis of the sample Comma... Doctor!"

"Yes Ive started running scans but I could use some help on it," Mel said. "Its like nothing I have ever seen before but then again if the creature had been in statis since the T'Kon vanished. Well its no wonder its very alien."

"Would it be prudent, given the unusual characteristics of this fluid and the being it came from to run a DNA comparative analysis with both the fluid and some of your own DNA... Not to mention a full bioanalysis given it seems to be something extraordinary in nature!"

T'Sehn asked, his own interest building in the face of the unknown.

"Well yes, I've been getting to that," Mel said. "But Ive had 2 amputees and people hurt since we were planet side."

"Indeed" noting the occupied biobeds and raising an eyebrow.

"Theres more ..." she said after a minute. "I was .. i ended up being drawn into a T'Kon machine in the underwater base. It did something to me and I don't know what but my telepathy with my boyfriend. I seem better at it."

"Doctor, Trill are incapable of telepathy beyond the interaction with the Symbiont that they may be hosting!"
T'Sehn offered, still not fully grasping where the Chief Medical Officer was heading with her train of thought.

"Apparently we are Imzadi," Mel said to him. "And that means I can communicate with him."

"I believe the term Imzadi is applied during a relationship that has reached a level allowing the two to 'Touch Each Others Souls' and this can permit non telepathic races to occasionally read stray thoughts from their Betazoid partner or for the Betazoid to be able to send directly to the non telepath certain thoughts and feelings... As for telepathic communication , I am afraid to say that is a different part of the telepathic mind... If you are communicating with Captain Haistro in this manner then I would suggest we must investigate further as it is not currently possible to augment a non-psionic being to this stage with the current level of Starfleet Technology!"

T'Sehn had already found the nearest medical tricorder and had started to run a preliminary scan on the Chief medical Officer, focusing on brain patters, activity of the neural pathways and her Psilosynine levels, which should be at zero given she was Trill and not Betazoid.

"Doctor, your overall brain neurology is working seven percent more than is standard for Trill physiology and I am also reading small traces of the Betazoid neurotransmitter called Psilosynine. Trill physiology does not produce this neurotransmitter!"

Mel looked surprised and walked over to look at his tricorder. She needed to verify that with her own eyes. “It did something to me. I mean how can that be?”

T'Sehn once again lifted his eyebrow in obvious curiosity at the situation. "I believe we have something of a mystery to unravel... Fascinating!"



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